Part 11

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"I have to get back!" I said as I jumped out of my bed but Victor stood in the doorway, not letting me through.

"Mother, your lawyer strictly said that you should not get back there - got it? I'm not letting you through."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him with a sad expression, "I have to."

There was a moment of silence before I walked towards Victor again. But once again... he didn't let me through.

"Mother... it's 2a.m. We can go there tomorrow. I want you to rest now."

I reluctantly nodded, and Victor released a sigh.
He closed the door, leaving me once again in complete darkness.

I need to get back to Fleet Street.

Unfortunately, I went to my bed instead.

I need to get back to Fleet Street.

"Why didn't you go?"

My eyes opened a soon as I heard Sweeney's voice ring in my ears.

I got up from my bed. That's when I saw him. Sitting in the chair that stood next to the door.

"I...I can't go" I whimpered.

"But you want to." He said while his eyes glowed in the dark.

I remained silent and watched him.
He just got up from the chair and walked swiftly towards me.
He knelt down to me, who was sitting on the bed, and placed his hands on my jaw.

"Stop believing lies, Lucy. There's a different point of view to each story." He whispered.

"What's your point of view?" I whispered back.

He just stood up in reply and turned  around towards the door.

"Ask Tobias Ragg" that was the last thing he said before he opened my bedroom door and left. Leaving my door open.

I gasped as I woke up once again with a start. It was morning already. The sun shone through my window and blindened me.

I turned around from the window and faced the door.

The door was open.

Maybe Victor opened it as he woke up?

I looked at the clock that hung directly in front of my bed.


Victor would never wake up on that time, but who knows?

The dream was haunting me.

Ask Tobias Ragg.

I thought about it for a second...

Could he be my answer?

I got up from my bed and walked through the open door. Just outside my door there were two pathways. One was the corridor leading to Victor's and his fiance's room, the other were the stairs leading down.

I took the stairs, but my eyes got caught on the mirror that reflected  to the room next door.

I saw Sweeney...
He glanced up at me through the reflection.
I noticed him holding a scuffy book in his hands with one page open.
He almost lazily threw the book on the coffee table.

I exitedly rushed over to that room to greet him but.... I saw nothing, except the same book he held on the coffee table...

I marched hesitantly over to it and looked at the opened page.

Please keep Haunting Me | Sweeney Todd - after deathWhere stories live. Discover now