Part 5

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"They are Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett? How? That is impossible" he looked at me as if I was joking.

"You just saw those people, Edward!" I yelled.

"Yes, and I think they're impersonators" he said with a disbelieved smile on his lips.

I gave him an amused look, "Did you feel how cold the room temperature was when they appeared?!"

"how does room temperature have anything to do with this?" he facepalmed as if I was talking nonsense.

"Did you feel it or not!?" I yelled at him, getting attention from a few civilians around us.

"Yes but-... wait... please don't tell me you think that they are-" he said laughing as if I was crazy this once.

"Ghosts!!? Yes! it explains a lot more than you think!" I shouted again while pacing circles, "It would explain how they appeared and disappeared out of nowhere! The room temperature! the ghost-like kisses! The flicking lights-"

"kisses?" he interrupted me. I turned around and looked at Edward, "Yes... but why? why me? why does he think that I am his wife?" I said it more like to myself.

I'll have to admit; Edward seemed to be off about this situation - he usually took everything what I thought seriously, even if it was something stupid - but now he almost took everything as a joke. He's most probably shocked about the situation that's happened.

"I'm sorry Ella, but I can't... I just can't hear you saying some crazy stuff like ghosts..." he was turning around to leave until he froze when I spoke up, "Ed.... just incase I am wrong.... can you please call the police over my house?"

He slowly turned around with a smirk then muttered, "Thank god you came to your senses, and yes - I will.... see you soon Mrs. or Miss Cincere" he then turned around and walked down the road, leaving me all alone.

I hesitantly took the route back home. Fleet Street.

What will I say? What will I do? What will Sweeney Todd do to me? Forget it all- Edward called the police, I'll be safe.... I'll be fine....

I slowly opened the wooden door to my house. It was silent. And warm.

"Hello?" I shouted for a sign, but nothing happened. I sighed in relief and walked inside and closed the door behind me. I walked to the old counter and looked for something to eat. I couldn't find anything, so I looked in the cupboards underneath the counter, but it was dusty and old as if it was never used. I sighed in defeat. I stood up from my kneeling position and looked at the counter. A pie. A freshly baked pie.

"What the-"

Suddenly I looked up from the pie and saw the lady from before. Mrs. Lovett.

"Here dearie. Taste this, I had a feeling you'd be hungry" she said looking at me up and down slightly.

My face turned pale. But the room temperature was warm!? Not cold! How is this possible? But... therefore I must admit that it was too warm.... almost boiling.

"E-Errrr... thank you" I looked down at the pie, "What might your name be?" I asked her.

She sighed and put her hands on her hips, "You can call me Mrs. Lovett, but if you ask for a name, it's Nellie.... and yours? Might it be Lucy?" She looked at me with a sad look.

"Infact not..." I didn't take my eyes off the meat pie.

She gave me a confused look. That's when I looked up at her, "It's Ella.... but as you've seen the damn Todd doesn't take notice of a word I say.... literally" I said a bit angered.

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