Ch.2 Wait, What?

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"Why in Earth?" Was Harris' first question.

Ryan looked at him with a deadpan expression, "Really?"

Harris shrugged in defense, "Seemed to be a little far fetched."

"Out of... Out of all of this, that's what's far fetched to you?" Ryan all but shouted, and Mark and Spyder rushed into the room.

"What happened?" Mark demanded.

"They want me to go to the center of the Earth!"

"Heh, Journey to the Center of the Earth much?" Spyder joked.

They all glared at him and he raised his hands in defense, "What? I was just joking. Geez, sorry."

"Wait, why the center of the Earth?" Mark asked.

"And not 'all' of us," Harris defended, "I would like to know, too."

And that's how the crew of Mech-X4 and its creator sat together for tea. Okay, not really. But to be fair, if anyone was to see them and get past the fact they were inside a giant robot, that's what they'd think.

The four looked at each other before looking at Leo and saying in unison, "Explain."

"Ryan's not a technopath."

"Wait, what?"


"But you said-"

"-And I thought-"


"Wha-?" They all stopped in unison once more.

"He's not a technopath, he's an electropath. Well, I guess technically he's both, but more prominently the technopath though the electropathy has to do more with the base of his abilities so..." Leo trailed off at the end of his ramble.

"So you're saying," Spyder, the first one to recover began, "That Ryan isn't a technopath, but he is, but he's both together?"

"But neither really," Leo finished in confirmation.

"I can't be the only one who's lost," Spyder stated, looking to his friends.

"So... I'm a technopath, but I'm not. And I'm an electropath, but I'm not," Ryan summarized, "Yeah you could've explained this better."

Leo sighed and started over, "You are not your power, okay. Your powers are the result of experimentation done voluntarily on your parents. Somehow, that experimentation combined through your creation and created a child who was and is able to receive and read electrical currents from machines. It was and is a skill you've been developing over time. That's why you weren't able to control technology as well when you were a baby. Still, you had enough control as an infant for your parents to see you are special. Hence why they sent you away.

"But that's besides the point. The point is as you grew and learned to tap into your abilities, that playing a major role in strengthening them, you're range of abilities extended. That's why you're now able to control the Mech from the outside.

"Still, at the very basis of your ability, you aren't controlling technology, you're control and 'speaking' to technology through the electrical currents. Why does that matter now? It matters because the magnetic field is made up electrical currents and your ability may be the only option to jumpstart the field now that's its failing," Leo finished.

"That still doesn't explain why he'd have to go to the center of the Earth to fix it? Couldn't we just as easily set up access points on either of the poles and have his power flow through them?" Harris asked.

"We could, but it would drain him. To do that is a temporary fix and would result in Ryan dying from the stress it put on his powers, and in turn, his body. He wouldn't be able to do it. Our only choice is to go to the center of the problem. The core," Leo said.

"How do we know that I even have enough power to hold up the field? How long do we have?" Ryan asked.

"We don't," Leo put simply, "And I don't know. I should be able to calculate the rate at which the field is falling but it'll take some time and a lot of research."

"Okay," Ryan said, head tilted to the side, "Why don't we do this, Harris, can you and Mark create a device for each of the poles, that way I can spread out my powers?"

"Of course," Harris said, moving to stand.

"Wait, we don't know how far your range is. If we overstep, wouldn't it hurt you?" Mark questioned.

"I don't believe so," Leo stated, "If he doesn't have the distance range he will have to work up to it. We could try to strengthen his range by increasing the amount of electrical current flowing throughout the Earth via the machines but I'll take time and practice still for Ryan. Without the additional help of the machines, the field will continue to decrease at a steady rate. With them it should slow it long enough for Ryan to practice and strengthen his long distance control."

"But still..." Ryan began with hesitance, "The world. The whole world. I can hardly control the Mech from across Bay City. We need to find out exactly how much time we have. Otherwise, we're screwed."

Leo nodded in confirmation, "Ryan, I don't know the strength your powers hold. Still, I believe it's like a muscle, the more you use it, the easier it gets. This is something we have to do for the sake of the world."

"I know," Ryan stated, "Believe me, I know. And I'll do it, but we need a plan."

Ryan turned back to Mark and Harris who were now standing, "Do you both know what you're doing?"

They nodded in confirmation.

"Good," Ryan commented, "Leo, can you begin researching and figuring out how much time we have left?"

Leo jumped up, when Ryan spoke again, "Wait, Leo. You go with Mark. Harris, can you do the research instead?"

"And calculations? I'm on it," Harris said, changing his directions and calling over his shoulder, "Let me know if you need any help!"

"Spyder," Spyder looked up, "You're with me."

He grinned.

This'll be... fun.


Okay, so second chapter is done. I only have a vague idea of where this is headed but yeah...

Hopefully I explained it well, if you're confused please ask me any questions so I can better explain in the chapter! Thanks!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to live life and love PINEAPPLES!!!

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