Ch.4 No Really, What is it?

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And with that, he drank the vial.

"Leo!" Ryan shouted, running to catch the man as he fell and began convulsing.

The others stood shocked, unable to move until Ryan shouted, "Do something!"

Harris snapped out of it and grabbed the vial of anti-ooze and poured it into Leo's mouth and down his throat.

Leo's shaking stopped, but he was deathly still.

"Guys... Why isn't he waking up?" Ryan asked, clearly as shaken as the rest of them.

"I don't know, but let's get him up on the table so I can scan him." Harris suggested.

The others complied, surrounding Leo and lifting him like how they lifted Ryan earlier that day, with the same destination in mind: The lab table.

"Scans are coming back showing and unidentifiable toxin in the bloodstream. It seems to be emitted from the base of his skull where- what is that?" Harris zoomed in on the scan to show a small square of static

"Why is it static?" Spyder asked.

"Not sure..." Harris said as he began typing, "It looks like its might be metal. Possibly an electronic."

"Okay, so I just use my technopathy to disable it so Harris can remove it. Easy." Ryan spoke, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than the others.

"Two problems: One, its attached to his spinal cord. I'd could attempt to remove it but it would be at risk of paralyzing Leo. And two, I doubt you could read this... let's call it a microchip since that's probably what it is. The foreign substance is resonating from it. If you try to hack it, who knows what'll happen."

"Only one way to find out," Ryan said as he began to take over the chip.

"I-I can't get it to stop transmitting to," Ryan's brows furrowed as he paused before he sighed and relaxed, "I lost it. I was trying to trace it but it's origin is out of range."

"Maybe I can..." Harris trailed off, pulling a sterile needle from a drawer and gathering a blood sample from Leo.

He moved and put some of the blood onto a microscope slide before dilating it. Once it was Day, he slid it under the microscope and poured a slight amount of the anti-ooze onto it.

The mixture fizzled, telling Harris all he needed to know.

Ryan, Mark, and Spyder - who had been standing around awkwardly as Harris did his science thang, yo - moved to forward when Harris stood.

"I know what's wrong with Leo," Harris said, "The ooze, it's infecting him."


Sorry it's short! It really should be a half chapter but this is as good a place as any to stop. Just warning you, the next chapter is a long one so I don't know how long it'll take.

Oh yeah, my school district is now out for the summer! So congrats to any graduating seniors! And to our new students, I know starting high school can be stressful. My door is always open. And here's a fair warning, I'm a hugger! (And older students, go easy on the freshmen.)

Sorry, I saw the opportunity. I had to take it.

I literally had to re-watch the episode just for the quote - once I started it, might as well finish it. And the season - and yeah, I'm being serious. Not really literal for the season part, but serious.

Whelp, now that that's over with, don't forget to live life and love PINEAPPLES!!!

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