Ch.10 Implants

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"What happened?"

"He just collapsed!"

"Again?" Spyder asked, and everyone turned to look at him, "What? I can't be the only one noticing he's been doing that a lot lately."

"Not the time, not the time!" Harris exclaimed as he put the chip down. Realizing what he did, he picked it back up, "This might just..." Working quickly, Harris scanned the chip one last time before looking to Mark, "I think this might save him, but it's still in an experimental phase. It's your call."

Mark looked from Harris to Ryan then back to Harris, "Do it."

Harris nodded, inserting the chip in the back of Ryan's neck where it attached to his spinal cord.

"How does it work?" Mark asked, waiting for results.

"This chip should dispense the technoserum supplied within it. The supply comes from this," Harris held up a syringe full of modified technoserum, "I would have to, theoretically, manually insert it into the chip for it to work correctly and dispense. A taxing procedure to say the least. Still, this should aid Ryan's system by supplying what he's burning off. Almost like what an IV bag would do if someone was lacking what they needed."

"Yes, but how does this help Ryan?"

"I just said it should help him by refilling what he's used," Harris explained, before getting back to work, "Now please shut up and help me attach the heart monitor."

"I thought his heart stopped," Mark stated.

"It was probably just thready and weak. If it wasn't, Ryan would already be dead. But, as you can see, he is breathing. His heart is beating, and leveling out according to the monitor. He should be fine."


Ryan's gaze was fuzzy when he came to.

"Idiot- ... -believe- ... -me!"

That woke Ryan up. He pushed himself up on his elbows, squinting at Mark with a tilted head, "Was your voice always this annoying?"

"-y-n, yo- -hear us?" Spyder asked, hope in the pieces Ryan could gather.

"Sort of?" Ryan said, shaking his head, "Only pieces."

"What's the status of the chip?" Mark asked Harris.

Spyder helped Ryan lie back down before Harris scanned him.

"The serum leaked out of the chip sooner than expected, I can try inspecting more but it'd probably just do the same thing," Harris sighed, frustrated.

Spyder laid a hand on his shoulder, "It'll be fine. I'm sure you'll think of something. Who knows? Maybe we don't need the serum in the chip. If Ryan can connect with it technopathically then we might not need the serum."

Harris, who had looked at Spyder in awe, jumped up, "That's perfect!"

"Uh... what's going on?" Ryan asked Mark, who shook his head. Ryan continued, "I can only hear part of what you're saying, you know."

Harris winced, writing, "That's probably the diluted serum working. I'm sure if I..." He pulled out a large needle and Ryan scooted away.

"How 'bout no," Ryan said with a hand out.

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