Ch.8 You Did WHAT?

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The strain hit Ryan immediately, his body the only thing regulating the Earth's currents and keeping the planet and its inhabitants from being burned alive.

Ryan fell to the ground with a cry that he couldn't hear, hands over his ears as he held his head in pain. He was unaware of the movement around him. The scurrying of Mark to his side as Harris prepped the med-table and Spyder moved Leo and himself out of the way.

"What do we do?" Harris asked even as he scanned Ryan.

"We have to help him!" Mark insisted.

"And how do we do that?" Harris asked, freaking out.

"Poles?" Spyder suggested.

"What?" Leo turned to Spyder, a look of concentration in his eyes, "What did you say?"

"Poles, you know. Don't they conduct metal and currents and things like that?"

"Yes... but the North and South poles have a higher level of concentration when it comes to the magnetic field. Spyder, you're a genius!" Harris said, handing the pad to Mark who continued the scan while running over to the computer with Leo.

"We can-"

"But if we-"



"Yes!" Harris and Leo cheered.

"What just happened?" Mark asked.

Leo and Harris turned around to face him, yelling 'science' before rushing out of the room. Spyder shrugged and continued watching Ryan, who at that point had passed out, when Harris and Leo ran back in with some sort of satellites similar to the one put on Ryan and Mark's roof.

"I give you, the polarizers." Leo said with jazz hands.

"How 'bout no." Mark stated after taking one look at the machine.

"Listen," Leo began, "I was afraid this would happen so I prepared. All we have to do is take one to the North Pole and the other to the South. Easy peasy."

"No, I'm not leaving Ryan."

"We have to if we want to save him." Harris reasoned, "You go with Leo and I'll go with Spyder, that way one of each mini-team has a genius and someone to fly them to the pole."

"How will we get there?" Spyder asked, "I get Mark has the Markmobile, but that doesn't explain how we'll get there."

"That's the tricky part..." Leo cryptically stated...


"I can't believe you talked me into this."

"It's not like this is the first time we've broken into Harper Industries," Spyder commented, "Besides, its for Ryan."

"I still don't like this," Harris complained even as he crawled through the vents.

"Look, just get to the roof and I'll meet you there."

"What are you doing, Spyder?"

"Uh... nothing."

"Spyder..." Harris warned.

"So I might already be in the helicopter."


"What? I've always wanted to fly one!"

"That doesn't mean you should- you know what? Never mind. I'm here. Let's go."


"It's freezing up here."

"We're in the North Pole, what did you expect, Leo?" Mark asked.

"A sauna," Leo stated glumly. Mark looked at him with a confused expression so he explained, "What? You've never seen one of those Arctic or Antarctic movies? They always have saunas."

"Just set up the satellite so we can save my brother."


"Spyder, Harris, come in."

"We read you, Mark."

"Have you set up the satellite yet?"

"We've run into a bit of a smelly situation."

"A what?"

"There's penguin poop everywhere!"

Mark huffed, "Muscle through it and let us know when you're in position."

"Okay..." Five minutes pass with a multitude of curses and promises of long, hot showers once they save the world, "We're set."

"Good, get back to the Mech."

"On it."


The first thing Ryan noticed when he came to was the smell, "Ugh, what is that?"

Someone must've said something out loud because suddenly there were people surrounding him. It took him a minute to realize it was his friends.

Mark scribbled something on paper before handing it to Ryan, 'Man am I glad to see you awake, how do you feel?'

"Like someone threw a sledgehammer around in my head for at least a year."

'Well, better than before, right?'

Ryan nodded yes, struggling to stand.

Hands pushed him back onto the table and the notepad was thrusted back into his hands with the command, 'Stay there.'

Harris says something that Ryan can't hear before the notepad is taken and given back to him, 'Are you good?'

As much as Ryan wanted to reassure everyone that he was fine, he couldn't get past how tired he was. It felt like all his energy was spent. Like his technopathic abilities tried to run eight marathons in a row and were still pushing for more. So, he shook his head no.

Mark took the notepad and handed it to Ryan without any of the others reading it. Ryan's eyes widened as he vigorously shook his head no. Mark wrote again, and Ryan verbally shouted, "No! You can't! I won't let you."

Mark scribbled something on the paper, and for the first time the others were able to read it, "You have to, if you don't you'll die and then we all die."

Ryan sighed, still not swayed but seeing Mark's point.

"It might not work. Look at what happened to Leo."

This time Leo took the pad, 'I've been experimenting on myself  long before I even met your parents, Ryan. I know the techno-serums limits. You're going to have to trust us. And if you can't do that, trust Mark. He knows how much he can handle. You don't have to do this alone.'

Ryan was conflicted, it showed on his face that was already scrunched up in pain. He didn't want to, but if he didn't he'd die and then they'd all die. So after what felt like an eternity of waiting, Ryan answered, "Okay."

And with a deep breath, Ryan pushed some of the pressure off him and onto Mark.


Well I've been gone forever.

I finally watched the episodes from season two of Mech-X4 and let me say they do not disappoint when it comes to inspiration. Sorry I've been gone for so long, I'm not sure when I'll update next but I'm doing my best to update when I can. Sorry, yet again.

Don't forget to live life and love PINEAPPLES!!!

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