Ch. 6 We Need to Stop Seth

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"Ah, ah, ah, not yet, Ryan," Seth tutted, eyes flashing orange, "The fun has only begun."

Ryan screamed in pain.

"Let go of him, Seth," Leo demanded, struggling against his restraints.

"But this is so much," He shocked Ryan again, "Fun."

"Ryan, we're in my mind! You can do whatever you want, just fight back!" Leo shouted as he faded away.

"Well, that's enough of him." Seth grinned, picking up the remote and shoving it into his pocket, "Have fun finding him."

With a final shock, Ryan was knocked unconscious inside of Leo's mind.


"Ryan!" A voice snapped, and Ryan shot awake only to realize that he was still inside of Leo's mind, and Leo wasn't talking to him but his past self.

"Put that down, would you?"

Ryan groaned, "Why am I here, Leo? You know my mom wanted me home after school."

"That's why I took you out during school."

"Something else she won't like," Ryan said, spinning in his chair, "We should probably introduce you two."

Leo paused in what he was doing before resuming swiftly, "Later. We don't have time for it now. I just need to- there."

Leo turned around and shouted, "Okay, Mark! You can come in!"

Mark walked out of nowhere into the memory.

He stood between Leo and Ryan, offering Ryan a grin before turning to Leo who asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," Mark answered firmly as Ryan stood so Mark could sit in the chair.

"Alright," Leo said nervously, setting up a camera, "Technoserum trial one, test subject one, Mark Walker."

"This is a bad idea," Ryan said, fidgeting as Leo stood with the needle positioned above the back of Mark's neck.

Mark offered Ryan a cocky grin, "You're only saying that because you don't want two technopaths in the Walker household."

Ryan sputtered, "Not true!"

Looking in on it, present time Ryan realized what Mark was doing. He was reassuring him by being cocky. It was his way of calming Ryan down.

"Little pinch," Leo warned, and present time Ryan winced, remembering what was to come.

It was more than a pinch, that was for sure.

The needle pierced Mark's skin and he arced up immediately before settling down, his brows furrowing.

"You okay?" Ryan asked.

Leo spoke at the same time as him, asking, "Do you feel anything?"

"I'm fine, and besides something that hurt a heck of a lot more than a pinch, no."

Leo hummed, "Try it out."

Mark stood and faced a lamp on one of the tables. He extended a hand.

"Don't do that," Ryan commented, taking a seat once more.

Mark glared at him, "Just let me do my thing, dingus."

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