May 25th-28th, 2017

136 10 1

This weekend was so freaking fun. I can't even believe I actually had so much fun. I wasted all my money on plushies, food, and stuff for my brother, but I don't regret any of it. I would love to go to megacon again next year. It was so fun to stay the whole time. I met Gaten Matarazzo and I cosplayed Danny Fenton one day and Dustin Henderson another day. I saw some cool actors and I met the Hillywood Show. I did so many cool things.

My cousin is gross and pda-ish with her gf, but other than that, it was really chill. It was the best time I think I've ever had, really. For once, I didn't have to focus on my ender or feel nervous about using the men's bathroom. No one cared. I was just me.

No one asked questions, and most people didn't even misgender me because I was in costume. That's why I love conventions so much.

I also just love staying with my aunt. She's honestly so much cooler than the rest of my family (aside from my cousin). She doesn't use my name or pronouns because she doesn't see me enough and doesn't have the chance to get used to it, but she tries. She supports me way more than anyone else in the family (again, aside from my cousin). And she's the catholic one, you know? She should be the most against it from a religion stand-point!

When I get top surgery, I'm getting it in Florida. That's what I want to do, and I'll try and get my cousin to come down and help out, and hopefully I can stay with my aunt instead of anyone else, because that's where I would feel safest. It's a sad thing, but it's the truth, and this weekend has really made me realize that.

I can't wait.

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