August 20, 2017

94 6 5

I've decided to try and lose weight. Well, not weight necessarily, but fat. I want to turn my awful flab and bloated stomach into muscle. I think it'll make me feel more confident about myself.

Not to mention, I've heard top surgery results are even better when you have developed pectoral muscles underneath all the breast tissue as well.

I'm not confident enough with my body to post full progress photos, but I'll try to keep updates in here so that I can track my progress. Sorry if that gets boring after a while, but I think I need to do this.

I'll be following some of Aydian's videos. His youtube channel is ALionsFears, I believe. He has some really great FtM/trans* masculine body building videos that aren't too difficult, so we'll see if they work.

I've also looked at some other hints, and I'm changing my diet a bit. I'm going to be cutting down on my snacking, and eating more healthy foods.

I'm also cutting soda completely out of my diet (Goddess help me), except for special occasions such as my birthday. I'm pushing myself to drink at least two glasses of water a day, but I'll eventually push myself to five or six, if not more.

I am also going to start going for a daily jog, or bidaily. I'm not totally sure yet.

I just really hope this helps with my self image and confidence. I hate that I fold in on myself all the time, and I hate my 34-inch waistband. I hate my lack of muscle and everything. I need to take a stand to help myself, and exercise and diet are the way to go.

(The image attached is just me with bedhead. It's irrelevant, but I thought my hair looked pretty funny.)

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