April 16, 2017

210 12 6

Easter Sunday, my least favorite holiday. God, guys, today was a total mess. My therapist was supposed to help me figure out how to come out to the other side of my family, but my mom wouldn't make an appointment so I wasn't able to see her before Easter. I think my mom suspected that something of that nature would happen.

Guys, you've gotta understand. Today wasn't just a mess because my birth name was thrown around all over the place. Half the time, my family doesn't even use names. We're southern, so they usually use "girlie" or "boy." So I had to go around and hug all of these ignorant pricks while they relentlessly greeted me with something along the lines of, "Hey girlie, how've ya been?"

By the time I'd been there thirty minutes, I was exhausted, dysphoric, contemplating the pros and cons of walking out in the street somewhere.

They're so oblivious, though. I intentionally wore my least girly shirt, a blue and white checkered button up, with my binder to make sure I'd be noticeably flat. My hair is short, I "stand and act" like a guy, and I avoid using my name or pronouns to a stupid extent.

What more do I have to do? Like, they could at least throw out something like, "Why aren't you wearing a pretty dress?" So then I could be like, "Well, actually..."

At least I got some good candy and stuff. My parents also got me a box set of all 52 Danny Phantom episodes. I'll just have to drown myself in my favorite cartoons, I guess.

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