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'Why did you kiss me?'

The words left Jack's mouth before he could stop himself. Mark's eyes went wide and a deep blush spread across his face. "I uh well uh..."

Mark had forgotten about the interaction between the two, making him a stuttering mess.

"D-Do you l-like me? " The words finally left the Irishman's mouth.

"Y-Yes, yes I do Jack" Mark gives a shy smile but Jack only returns a sad smile.

"Why? "

"W-What? What do you mean?" Mark asks, worry and confusion obvious in his voice.

"Why do you like me? There are so many things wrong with me. I've done nothing but caused you to worry about me. I'm nothing but a nuisance and completely worthless."

The younger felt himself start to cry, he was waiting for Mark to say something. Yet not one word left the half-Koreans mouth.

Mark wanted to let the words flow, tell the man in front of him how he was wrong. But his mind wouldn't let him. Jack sighs, believing that Mark agrees with his statement and gets off of the couch.

He felt Mark reach for his arm, but he hurried past him and went up to his room. Shutting and locking the door behind him.

Mark jumps off of the couch and follows him. Walking up to his door, he knocks softly, being able to hear the quiet cries.

"Jack? Can you open the door please?"
Everything became silent, Mark could tell Jack was trying to hold back sobs.

"Jack, open the door."

"I'm getting worried, please Jack, I just want to talk to you. "

"Jack, please...."

The lock clicks and the door opens. Mark steps inside to see Jack sitting at the end of the bed frame. Mark sits down in front of him and pulls him into a hug.

Tears stained his shirt as Jack held onto him as if he was going to leave him. Mark ran a hand through his hair and began to speak softly.

"Jack listen to me, you are worth everything to me. You only said those things cause that bitch told you that. Don't listen to him and for the last time, I've enjoyed the time you've been here."

Mark sighs before speaking again.

"I kissed you because I love you. I guess it's kinda obvious now, but I truly do. Nothing makes me happier than being able to talk to you. I knew I loved you after that first Skype call. Every day I made sure that I had time for our calls. You always tell me how much you hate this and that about yourself, but to me, every inch of you is imperfectly perfect. I want to be able to show everyone how much I love you and to spoil you whenever I want. To be able to wake up to those mesmerizing blue eyes. I know this probably sounds like the most cliche bullshit ever, but I mean every word. I want to show you what a real relationship feels like. I'm in love with you Sean McLoughlin. "

Jack was still hiding his face as he sat in complete disbelief. He started shaking from all of the sudden compliments. "You d-don't mean a-any of that.."

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