Part Fourteen

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*One Month Since Party*
(Birthday Part I)

I wake up. Fuck...

Waking up is honestly the worst fucking thing in the history of the world.

"Hey, Aaron, are you awake?" Austin asks opening the door only to see me wide awake.

"Yeah." I scoff.

"Happy Birthday! It's December 10th!" Austin says in excitement.

"Yeah, no." I say as I stand up and take my damp hair down.

"Why no?" He laughs as he sits on my bed.

"Because birthdays are fucking stupid." I look down at my bare feet.

"They aren't 'stupid' you're just not feeling well." He says honestly.

"Austin, I get it. I'm depressed. Ever since I got raped I've went completely into the deep end. I've cut my wrists, dyed the end of my hair blue, started getting drunk and smoking weed. My life honestly couldn't feel more awesome." I smile at him and I sit down beside him and sigh.

"How is getting drunk and high making things awesome? How is all that that you just listed awesome? Aaron, you've completely disowned your real friends just to hang out with those... stoner kids." He says placing his hands onto mine .
"And these...." he flips my hands over to where my wrists are visible.

"Austin, I love you, but you should trust me when I say I don't cut anymore. When I was raped I felt so horrible and terrified so I just attempted to cut. It WAS a one time thing." I say with my head low. I try to keep back the tears.

"Aaron, make this a good birthday. Be you for once! Please." My brother begs as he lifts my head with his two fingers and looks at me in the eyes.

"Okay, I will." I smile but I can't help but to think the worse that will happen today.

"Okay! Get dressed! You need to look good! Today you're 17!" I can't help but to chuckle at my brothers words as he exits my room.


Ughh... I haven't been this dressed up since the party. (Outfit in picture up top)

I slowly step downstairs and I can smell the smell of chocolate chip pancakes.

"Aaron! You look gorgeous!" My mom says as she attacks me in a hugs.

"Thanks..." I smile. It's a fake smile but I've gotten good at those lately.

I sit down at the table and eat my pancakes.


I walk into school and everyone is starring at me. I can feel eyes on me from every direction, even teachers are looking at me as if I were a completely different person.

If I had to be honest, I sorta liked the attention. I normally hate attention but it's a different kind of attention, it's the kind where everyone sees you as a better person. Even though my appearance is the only thing difference.

I walk to my locker. I still get butterflies in my stomach knowing that I'm gonna have to be in contact with Chandler.

I open my locker and a piece of paper falls to the floor. I bend down and pick it up.

Of course, me being me, I automatically assume that it's gonna be another note telling me how much a freak I am. I've gotten a lot of notes like that lately. I mean it's not even day you see a ordinary girl that is your 'regulation hottie', so I've been told, go from 100 to 0 in the matter of a week.

My hands shaking and a lump in my throat, I build up the courage to open the note.

I unfold the folded paper to reveal a entire page front and back of hand written paragraphs. The note was divided into three different sections.

The first few paragraphs read:
Dear Aaron,
I know that you have been going through a very hard time right now. I want you to know that I love you so much and that I will always be here for you no matter what. You've been avoiding us, and even though we haven't had a full conversation in over three weeks I want you to know that we called each other 'best friend' for a reason.

Aaron, I miss you so incredibly much and I want you back in my life. All three of us do. Now, we all understand that you are in a very tough part in life right now. Being raped isn't something easy to deal with. But I want you to know that we are here for you and that we want this birthday to be a good one despite your position and current situation. I love you so much.

Happy Birthday! -Bay

I began to tear up. I did start to avoid her. I haven't been hanging out with anyone but Austin. I don't let myself cry.

The late bell rings and I hurry and grab my book out of the locker. I then run to class.

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