Chapter 3- Meeting

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Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story so far- I’m glad you like it. Next chapter then. Haruhi’s escape from the mansion! This is when things are explained to her and the 'others'. You might already know the situation, but they certainly don't! Where is Sora, you ask? Find out in this instalment of Wing of the next generation! (That sounded very advert-y, didn’t it?) Enjoy, vote and comment! (And ignore, again, my terrible paragraphing...)

Chapter 3- Meeting

Haruhi stopped breathing for a moment. “…Sohma? Out? What is this?” she demanded.

“Hurry, we haven’t got much time before Akito finds us. I’m opening the door, so stand back.”

The voice was clear and, to Haruhi, Kyo sounded so genuine. Kyo’s voice almost invited confidence from her.

She nodded, even though no-one could see, and shuffled back away from the door, before it slid open. It didn’t make much noise, the Haruhi’s relief, and she was finally able to see the two men stood before her.

They were both, at a guess, in their late thirties, although very handsome, with no real signs of aging. Haruhi only guessed their age because of the age she could see in their eyes. Their eyes looked like they had seen far too much pain in their lives, and they were wise and weary. Kyo, the man who had spoken to her, was strikingly ginger, wearing a dark green kimono, and Yuki, who wore Chinese-style clothing had silvery-grey hair that hung over his face slightly.

“Who are you?!” she hissed.

“We told you. No time for explanations, let’s go.”

Kyo grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet, while she struggled under his iron grip. Yuki sighed in exasperation. Haruhi hated being grabbed, and Kyo, not knowing of this, held onto her with continuing bemusement at her struggles.

“Get off me, dammit!” she said, trying to claw her way out of his grasp. “Please, just don’t touch me!”

“Wow, she is just like you when you were young, Kyo,” Yuki commented.

“Yeah, I suppose so. Now, we should get going. The others at still with Tohru, outside.”

“The others?” Haruhi asked, not bothering to stop struggling. Someone touching her was almost like physical pain.

“The rest of the kids here.”

Without further elaboration, Kyo grabbed both of Haruhi’s wrists and held them behind her back in one hand of his, and escorted her out of the room.

The house was silent. Obviously no-one had discovered their presence or was in pursuit of them. Kyo was careful not to hold Haruhi too tightly, for understandable reasons, although it was incredibly tricky when she was squirming about under his grip.

“Can you calm down?” he asked.

“I would if you’d let go!” she retorted. Kyo dropped his arms, and laughed.

Haruhi sighed in relief. She bolted down the corridor as fast as she could (which wasn’t very fast; physical weakness was a product of being confined for life), feeling her heart pounding. She felt like a spy or a detective, like the ones on the video games she played in her room. She mimed shooting her target whilst running, and looked dramatically from side-to-side.

“You can do that when you get outside, just come this way!” Yuki said, gesturing for her to come back.

Haruhi paused, disappointed, and shuffled back next to Yuki and Kyo, who began to walk briskly down the corridor in the correct direction. Haruhi followed, excited about this chance at freedom, but also, a portion of her was petrified. What if Akito woke up? She shivered at the thought. Kyo shifted into a run, and the other two followed suit.

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