Chapter 14- Operation: Double date!

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Helloo! No comments on my last chapter *sobs* so hopefully this one will interest people more XD

Haruhi and Tsuneo get pretty close in this chapter. It involves a crap movie and a beach hut. It's the first time they openly admit their feelings and act on them. :')

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 14- Operation: Double date!!

The cool air swirled around the dojo in a gentle wind, rustling the tree leaves, and small beams of sunlight could be seen streaming through tiny gaps in the light grey clouds. All in all, Haruhi thought, a decent morning, perfectly calm and tranquil. Something needed to happen though, or she’d lose her mind. It had been weeks of tedious language lessons, queuing in the canteen for tiny portions of food, and helping Ben up and down the school’s stairs without transforming. The same routine, every day.

“Did you know, it’s Valentine’s day soon!” Tohru chirped at the breakfast table.

“I’ve heard about that! The day when girls all over the world can confess their love, and go out on dates with their valentines,” Sora gushed excitedly, “And the best part about it is chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!”

“Huh?” Haruhi was only half-listening. Consuming her breakfast seemed far more important at this point in time. She had never actually had chocolate, despite Ben’s constant tempting of chocolate cake in the canteen at school. Sora had indulged, and now she was hooked. Haruhi couldn’t really understand what was so great about it, but then, she’d never tried it. Oh well, there was a first time for everything.

“I remember the first Valentine’s day Kyo and I shared,” Tohru mused, “He hated chocolate so much, he turned away all the chocolate that were given to him and tried to throw them away!”

Sora giggled. “Did you give him any chocolate? How old were you?”

“We were sixteen, and I did give him chocolate. Amazingly, he took the chocolate I gave him, and the chocolate that another gave him, and ate it, right in front of us. He looked so serious, like he had to eat poison!”

Haruhi snorted into her breakfast. Tsuneo, who had remained almost unnoticeable until now, gave a small laugh. Kyo seemed like such a proud person.

“What a story! I’ll bet dad hasn’t forgotten that,” Haruhi said. “Did you go on a date, too?” Now, she was interested.

Tohru seemed to be thinking about something funny again. “Well, I actually went on a date with Yuki.”

“WHAT?!” Haruhi was outraged. “You went on a date with Yuki? Why?”

“Kyo had his own admirer. Her name is Kagura, she is the boar of the Zodiac and she lives in the main house! She used to love Kyo a lot, so much that she wanted to marry him, even if she killed him in the process. So, I went with Yuki, and Kyo with Kagura, and we all went on a double date to the cinema! It was a great day.”

Valentine’s day… Okay, hearing about Tohru’s double date was hilarious, but the whole notion just only seemed appropriate for the type of girl that loved chocolate and giggled at everything. But actually, Sora was that type of person sometimes. She seemed like it right now.

Haruhi suddenly hit on an idea- it would be great if she could set Sora and Ben up on a date together. It might finally give Ben the shove he’d been needing. Everyone knew it now anyway; there was no need to hide it anymore.

“Hey,” Sora said, just as Haruhi was about to speak. “For Valentine’s day, we should all go on a double date, too!”

Tsuneo choked on his breakfast. Ben cried out: “WHA-?” The whole room descended into a state of general panic.

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