Chapter 5- Bewildering day for the social rookies

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Chapter five-Bewildering day for the social rookies

 The next few days passed with nothing happing of consequence. Haruhi, Sora and Tsuneo had all been tutored about everyday living by Tohru, who was delighted to be of help. She offered comfort when Tsuneo was caught unawares by a deer wandering about in the woods; he had taken one look at the creature and bolted home,  completely out of breath by the time he was through the door, and Tohru had not laughed at him. Instead, she wordlessly took his hand, and took him through to the room where everyone else was sat eating lunch. They all understood; their childish tendencies (Haruhi’s tantrums and dislike of being alone, and Tsuneo’s shyness) were all just a result of being so sheltered all these years.

One day, at the dinner table, Tohru had something to say.

“Excuse me,” she began hesitantly. Kyo gave an exasperated sigh, and cleared his throat loudly. Haruhi and Sora stopped chatting and immediately fell silent.  Tohru smiled, amused by Kyo’s reaction. “Sorry for interrupting you all while you were talking, but Kyo and I decided something earlier, and we think you should know now.”

“Again with the deciding stuff behind our backs,” Haruhi commented irritably.

“We want you all to take the entrance exam for high school,” Kyo said, getting straight to the point.

Tsuneo gulped. Sora blinked blankly and Haruhi was reduced to stuttering incoherently for several moments. Entrance exam? High school? She had heard these things in passing at the main house, but had never actually thought about it. High school… from what she heard, it was a huge building full of other people her age, boys and girls. They would all sit in a room and be talked at by a teacher for hours, and have to wear a uniform. It all sounded restricting to her.

“Exam? But we don’t know anything,” Haruhi protested.

“That’s true. We only know the things the servants taught us. We have never been to school,” Sora said uncertainly. “Things might be a bit difficult, as well, with the curse.”

“I went to high school with girls. It was never a problem,” Kyo said, nodding. He smiled slightly, and looked a little distant, like he was remembering a good time. “They were the most eventful three years of my life.”

“At the very least, we’d like you to try!” Tohru said encouragingly. “The entrance exam is tomorrow, so look sharp!”

“Look what?” Tsuneo asked in his deep voice, looking puzzled. “How do we do that?”

“Oh Tsuneo, you are a dummy!” Sora joked lightly. “She meant that we had best behave well, and do our best!”

“Whatever, we’ll think about it,” Haruhi said. “Come on, let’s go play ninja outside, guys.”

“Still playing ninja?” Kyo teased. “I guess you missed out on seeing the real world. It’s probably why you’re still quite naïve and childish.”

Tsuneo shrugged, and got up, followed by Sora, who smiled at Tohru and Kyo before running out to play. Haruhi had never even considered it strange to like playing ninja at her age. But then again, she had never really met anyone else.


The school building looked foreboding. The enormous grey building stood tall in the glaring sun and created a large shadow that enveloped the five people stood in front of it. Haruhi tried to ‘look sharp’, standing with her fists clenched. Tsuneo was visibly terrified, and Sora looked strangely subdued. Tsuneo had tears in his eyes, which made Haruhi almost giggle. He was such a cry-baby sometimes, but in a cute sort of way.

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