Chapter 4- Home is where the family is

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Hi, thanks for reading my fanfiction, I'm so grateful :) Next is kind of a bridge chapter, getting things sorted out for the Zodiacs as they start their new lives. Haruhi gets a revalation, too! (Not that we didn't already know, haha).

Anyway, enjoy, read, vote, comment! (Not necessarily in that order... :L)

Chapter 4- Home is where the family is

“My parents abandoned me at birth? Didn’t they put up a fight?” Haku asked in distress.

“You’re the rat, aren’t you? So your father must be… Haru. Yes, he did put up a fight. Your father and mother were both fighters, and you have inherited that from them,” Kyo answered, and Haku seemed encouraged.

“The curse… I never really thought about breaking it… So Tohru actually broke the curse, but it came back?” Raiden said in thought. “These bonds really are bonds of blood. I guess you can’t mess with that.”

“Who were my parents?” queried Naoko. “I’m the tiger, by the way.”

“The tiger? Your mother is called Machi… and your father is Yuki.”

“What?! Then I’ve already met my dad?!” she cried, standing up. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

Kyo gave a small laugh. “There’s a time and place for everything, and that was not it,” he said light-heartedly. “Right now, I have a martial arts class to lead, so Tohru is going to make you some breakfast, and show you around. You have a lot of learning to do about the outside world.”

Tohru smiled at Kyo, who then left the room, and then smiled at everyone else in turn. In light of the conversation, the only person who returned the smile was Raiden. He beamed pleasantly at her, ignoring everyone else’s dubious expressions towards him. Haruhi raised one eyebrow. What was with this guy? What was he thinking? She doubted already that not many people could tell that.

“Oh… Tohru?” Haruhi asked, having just thought of something.

“Yes, Haruhi?”

“Who are my parents?” Haruhi felt embarrassed asking, but it was the only way she would find out.

Tohru smiled wider. She walked over to Haruhi and tearfully looked her in the eye. Haruhi avoided her intense gaze, feeling awkward and confused.

“Haruhi, it’s me and Kyo!” Tohru said happily.


Sora gasped, and Raiden nodded as if he’d known all along. Haruhi bit her lip, stunned.

“You’re my mother? And Kyo’s my dad?” she said for clarification. “Seriously?”

Tohru nodded. “I wanted to tell you at the right time! Your dad and I are so pleased to have you back at last!”

Haruhi felt tears gathering in her eyes and spilling over, but she hastily wiped them away. Tohru and Kyo were amazing people, and now Haruhi felt overwhelming pride and gratitude towards them. These feelings were new to her, frightening, unknown territory. She really had parents, who escaped with their memories and never forgot her. She was never abandoned, always being thought of, being watched from a distance until the time was right. Someone had been out there, this whole time, who was thinking of her. Her parents, Tohru and Kyo… Tohru, content and selfless, and Kyo, who was sincere and mysterious, yet Haruhi could see an awkward kindness about him. They were her parents, and now she knew them.

Haruhi got up abruptly, and left the room.

“Say,” Haku said, “What’s eating her?”

Haruhi was sat in the next room for some time before Tohru walked in, with Sora in tow. She was on the floor, hugging her knees with a tear-stained face. She looked up to see them both smiling at her.

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