Chapter 13- An eventful day of returns

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Chapter 13- An eventful day of returns

Well, it’s back to Haruhi’s view, guys! How did you like the two chapter feature on the Ben-Kairi-Sora thing? Dramatic stuff! I hope you enjoyed it. Next, Akito seems to be planning something for the Zodiacs...

It had been a while. Three weeks. Ben was recovering well, and he’d be out today.

After they found out he had been hit by the van, Sora cried for hours. Kairi cried too, and they got to see, for the first time, Kairi’s shell broken. It was quite the eye-opener. Haruhi, although worried sick for Ben, was enthralled by the drama of the whole situation. It made her heart race, and she found herself musing that she was the kind of person who needed some excitement in her life.

Tsuneo had been getting closer to her, too. When everyone realised how much Ben loved Sora, it had inspired them to gain some new confidence. It had risen that Naoko actually liked Kairi, and so the two of them had been getting to know each other at her place, with Yuki and the others.

Everyone was looking forward to Ben’s return; when Haruhi walked into Sora’s room, she was sat on the edge of the bed, looking extremely fretful. Haruhi laughed and perched on the bed beside her; Tsuneo, who was with her, was lingering in the doorway. Sora gulped nervously, like she was terrified for some reason.

“Hey, what’s up?” Haruhi asked lightly, slightly amused by Sora’s attitude.

“He doesn’t like me, I know it,” she mumbled.

“Don’t be silly, it’s because he loves you so much that he said the things he did. They weren’t clever, but didn’t he say sorry? You made up with each other in the hospital that time.” Haruhi’s inner self nodded smugly- ever the voice of reason, she was. Well, some of the time. At least.

“Yes, but what if he didn’t mean it? I’m scared, Haruhi!”

“You’ll be fine. He’ll be fine, too. Hell, if you start fighting, I’ll be on your side and beat him to a pulp!”

“I do not think it will come to that,” Tsuneo said quietly. He walked in, and sat on the bed beside Haruhi. He leaned around and looked at Sora with his serene expression.

“Thanks, Tsuneo,” Sora said, looking a bit less like she wanted to faint.

Haruhi rolled her eyes affectionately. Trust Tsuneo to bring the mood to this weird neutrality and calmness that he did. He didn’t say much, but what he said had so much meaning, unlike her, the big toilet-mouth.

She looked up, and saw Tohru stood by the door, with a cheerful grin fixed on her face. Haruhi wondered if Tohru would get more wrinkles than most because she smiled so much.

“Hi, mum,” Haruhi said casually. She was beginning to get used to calling her that.

“Hi, Haruhi! I thought you’d all like to know… That Kyo’s back! And he’s got Ben with him!” she sang.

Sora gasped, and jumped up, promptly tripping over and landing on the floor. Haruhi helped her up, and together with Tsuneo they ran into the hallway. Haruhi had lost count at the number of times now that they had run out into that hallway together, like small children, to greet whoever came in through the door.

“Ben!” Sora cried, and ran to be at his side.

He was stood, supported on one side by a crutch, the other by Kyo, who was smiling slightly. Kyo let go, since it appeared he could stand on his own now.

He had a cast on one wrist, and a bandage on one leg, and his face had a plaster or two on it. What an idiot, she thought to herself, running right into a van like that. She laughed internally. Still, he was beaming ear-to-ear, despite having purple circles under his eyes.

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