Chapter 16- The Age-old Promise

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Hello, I hope you enjoy this. Our favourite Zodiac leader has another little tantrum, only this one results in the least desirable outcome the Zodiac could have imagined. Enjoy, vote, review! :) (Ps. I've actually finished writing the story now! But chapters will still be unploaded weekly) :) Sorry for any typos!

Chapter 16- The age-old promise

It looked like everyone was thinking the same thing about Tsuneo’s disobedience. However, right now was not the time to be worrying over that. They had to concentrate on what to say to Akito, and how they should act. It was just like the old days, only back then they were accustomed to the general level of tension; Haruhi, now, honestly felt that her heart was doing backflips.

“You had better come in,” Momiji said, quickly looking over his shoulder.

Kyo nodded, and they all stepped in through the gates and into the estate. Several large houses surrounded them, each with their own fences, like a miniature village, and Haruhi could see the mansion’s tip just above the houses father into the complex. It was eerily quiet. Some movements could be heard, but no-one could be seen. The flowers and bushes rustled in the gentle breeze, and the winter sun glared downward. To any other person, it would have appeared pleasant, but to Haruhi it was so bright that it was repellent.

Momiji lead them through the estate, and they all continued to peer at their surroundings. Haruhi tried to ignore the brief flashes of memories that she had previously laid to rest at the back of her mind, but to no avail. She remembered the night that Kyo and Yuki rescued her, holding her hand and running with her all the way out of the gates. She was scrawny, wearing a baggy green kimono, starving and shocked, but had somehow summoned the strength to run for it. Oh, and play ‘ninja’ in the corridors of the house, happy to be free. She had now evened out into comfortable slenderness, and the thought of ever wearing that green kimono again disgusted her, as she tugged at her jeans and red t shirt.

At last, they reached Akito’s mansion, surrounded by trees and easily the largest building on the entire complex. Haruhi had an awful emptiness in the pits of her stomach. Glancing over at Sora, who looked like she was about to faint, Haruhi swallowed hard and tried to remember to breathe.

They heard slow, measured footsteps, and Haruhi’s heart did a somersault.

“Akito!” Haku rasped. Hostility almost radiated from his body. No doubt, he was feeling the same terrible amalgam of emotions as Haruhi had felt that day when Akito had come to call. Everyone felt the same way. Haku gave a hacking cough, and gritted his teeth. Haruhi frowned; he must be in a lot of pain right now, she thought. He was still as sickly as ever.

Akito was stood before them, looking seamlessly calm, eyeing them all, one at a time. She was judging their facility, and not a word was whispered for a long moment. Haku continued to bare his teeth, and Raiden watched him. Raiden placed a warning hand on Haku’s shoulder, and he shrugged it off.

“You all came,” Akito said at last. She took a deep breath and again observed the line of people before her. “All but one. Where is Tsuneo?”

There was a sharp intake of breath from Haruhi. Nobody uttered a word, and Haruhi realised with discomfort that they were waiting for her to say something, since Tsuneo, now, was her ‘other half’.

“Tsuneo, um, couldn’t come today,” she said, feeling stupid.

Akito approached her carefully, and put her hand on Haruhi’s shoulder, tightly. “That’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing everyone together again. I thought you had something to tell me.”

She hadn’t the heart to answer back, so she simply stepped backwards, bowing her head. She told herself, stay calm. He heart slowed down and Haruhi’s nerve returned. This time, stood before Akito, she felt a little braver.

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