A Chance

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Enjolras was beyond surprised to see Grantaire at the next meeting two weeks later. He was sitting at a table with Joly and Feuilly, laying cards out on the table when Enjolras arrived.


"You told me to find someone else to get me in," Grantaire said. "It turns out Joly and I both go to the same movie theatre. I recognized him from the papers and offered to pay for the movie. He's got good taste I tell you."

Enjolras clenched his fists. Combeferre put his hand on his friend's shoulder when he saw how angry he was getting.

"Give him a chance," he reminded the blond. Enjolras released the tension in his hands after taking a deep breath.

"Welcome, Grantaire," Enjolras spat out. "I hope you'll be useful."

"Oh, I will, I promise." Grantaire put his feet up on the table and smiled at Enjolras. "Gabriel."

He's just testing you, Enjolras thought. Don't let him get to you.

"Emile," Enjolras said calmly. "Would you mind helping Combeferre here with the boxes in the back? I believe the shipment arrived last night."

"Enjolras?" Combeferre said surprised. "Why me?"

"If I have to give Grantaire a chance, you have to tell him to treat me with some respect," Enjolras whispered.

"I'm all for it, chief," Grantaire said, standing up. "You Combeferre I assume?"

"I actually have sore back, Enjolras, maybe you should do it," 'Ferre said. Enjolras glared at his friend.

"Okay, let's go, Gabriel," Grantaire said walking to the door. Enjolras muttered some swear words about Combeferre as he walked by him and then joined Grantaire at the door. In the far back room, there were half a dozen boxes. "What are in those?"

"Revolution stuff," Enjolras said. He went over and picked up the first box. Grantaire was still standing in the doorway. "You waiting for something, Emile?"

"There are a lot of boxes, Gabriel," Grantaire responded.

"Don't call me that," Enjolras said, walking past him.

"Don't call me Emile, then," Grantaire replied. He grabbed a box and followed Enjolras back into the room. He put his box on top of Enjolras'. They went back and forth, bickering while doing so, until all the boxes were in the back room.

"Jesus," Courfeyrac said. "You two sound like an old married couple. 'No, Grantaire, put that there!' 'It's going to fall over, Enjolras!' 'Goddammit, Grantaire!' 'See, I told you it would fall' 'Oh, shut up'." Courfeyrac had tried to imitate them but had failed miserably.

Enjolras gave him the ultimate look of displeasure and Courfeyrac shut his mouth. Enjolras started the meeting with a speech as usual.

"...the government has gone too far with taking the money from the poor and giving it to the rich," Enjolras said. "A wise man once said, 'when dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right'. Time will come, citizens, for us to rise up against the corrupt government and--"

"Hold on, hold on," Grantaire said, standing up from his seat. "You think that this small group of people can take down the government. That is the most adorable thing I've heard ever." Enjolras crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, I don't think this 'small group of people' can take down the government," Enjolras said. "I think that if we spread the word that the people will rise and take the government back themselves...with our help, of course." Grantaire laughed. Enjolras tried to keep himself from getting angry, seeing as he was supposed to be giving Grantaire a chance but he was making it very hard to do so.

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