Decisions That Made My Bed

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Enjolras was staring down the barrel of a gun. Montparnasse's dark hair fell in his face, an evil grin on his face. Enjolras didn't know what to do. If he put his knife down in surrender, a) he'd be unarmed and b) he'd be surrendering and who knows what Montparnasse would do. On the other hand, if he kept his weapon, he'd be dead.

"We really don't have to do this, Montparnasse," Enjolras said. "I don't want to hurt you and I'm sure you don't want to be responsible for my death." Oh no...his only option here was to pull the 'my dad's a really powerful lawyer' card. "I'm sure my father, Christian Enjolras, would have your ass in the slammer faster than you could say Patria."

"Patria?" Montparnasse asked, lowering his weapon. Enjolras took the opportunity. He threw the knife at Montparnasse's shoulder and with luck, it hit its target. Montparnasse dropped the gun and Enjolras dove for it. He aimed it at Gueulemer.

"Let Gavroche go," Enjolras ordered. Gueulemer released the boy and Gavroche ran to Enjolras' side. "Now, if I see you follow me again, it won't be pretty." They retreated out of the alley, hailing a cab. Surely, Babet and Claquesous were around, too.

Enjolras tucked the gun in the waistband of his jeans as they got into the back seat of the cab. He gave the cabbie the address and then finally breathed once they were driving away.

"That was scary," Gavroche whispered. Enjolras looked down at the boy. He was probably traumatized. Enjolras knew he was. "What are you going to do? They know where you live."

"I'll...figure it out," Enjolras muttered. "I have a weapon now, so I can defend myself--"

"But what if you don't have it on you when they attack you?" Gavroche asked. "It's a possibility!" Enjolras finally understood why Gavroche was so worried about him. He was like the brother he never had and now there was chance he was going to loose him.

"Gav," Enjolras said, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm going to be fine." The cab stopped outside of Enjolras' flat. He paid the cabbie and the two of them got out. "Would you like to stay here for the night?" Gavroche nodded. Enjolras opened the front door.

Combeferre had gone to bed.

"I'll take the couch, okay?" Enjolras said. "You take my bed." Gavroche nodded and trudged down the hall. Enjolras watched the poor boy go. He had no idea what to do. His father never cared when he was sad or scared or upset...he never learned how to take care of another being.

"Gavroche," Enjolras said. "Do you need a change of clothes?" Gavroche stopped and looked at Enjolras. The young man walked past the boy and quietly opened the bedroom door. Combeferre was sitting in bed and reading 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

"Long walk," Combeferre muttered. Enjolras walked to the dresser. "And you brought Gavroche with you." He pulled out a shirt and track pants. They would be very big on the boy but it was better than sleeping in a dirty hoodie and jeans.

He tossed them to Gavroche who went to get changed in the bathroom.

"I was attacked by the Patron Minette, again," Enjolras explained.

"Really?" Combeferre asked, putting down his book. Enjolras nodded.

"They know where we live, too," he added. "They're going to come after me and Gavroche again." Enjolras took the gun out of his jeans.

"Jesus, Enjolras!" Combeferre said, getting out of bed. "Did you have to bring it in here?"

"Well, I didn't want to leave it outside for someone to take and start massacring everyone. It's Montparnasse's."

"You took his gun?" Combeferre asked. "The gun that he's used to kill at least six people?" Enjolras quickly put the gun down on the bed and stared at it wide eyed. "Guns don't kill people, Enjolras. People kill people."

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