Now I Must Lay In It

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A few months had passed. Combeferre and Enjolras were still staying at R's flat. They weren't sure when it was going to be safe to return to theirs. Combeferre had Eponine checking in on the Patron Minette and their plans. So far they were still pretty pissed about losing Enjolras. As for the cops after Enjolras, it was silent in that department.

It wasn't until the week before Christmas did Enjolras run into Javert again.

He was supposed to be meeting Courfeyrac, Jehan, and Feuilly to go get a tree for the cafe. Combeferre had agreed to let Enjolras borrow his car--after all, he finally got his liscence. He was on his way to Courfeyrac's flat when he recieved a text message from Grantaire.

Yo, Gabriel! Just thought you should know the coppers showed up at our door asking questions about you. See you later. -R

Enjolras--being an idiot that he was--picked up his phone and read the text message again. He heard the honking of a horn and looked up. The only thing he saw was an orange furball in the middle of the road and a loud bumping noise. He swerved out of the way and was nearly off roaded.

"What the hell?" he said. He parked on the side of the road and got out to investigate. He walked to the middle of the almost empty road. "Shit." He'd hit Jean Prouvaire's cat. He leaned down next to it, poking at its side. He let out a loud sneeze and looked around for help. He sighed and felt around for a pulse, like Combeferre had taught him.

He never thought he'd be doing it to a cat, though.

He felt a strong heartbeat and let out a sigh of relief. He'd probably just knocked it out. He picked it up and took it over to the car. On their way to the tree place, he'd take the cat into a vet. But he'd have to keep it a secret from Jehan. He threw the cat into a bag when he saw Jehan, Courfeyrac, and Feuilly coming his way.

He closed the back door and gave them a huge--totally innocent-looking--smile.

"What are you up to?" Courfeyrac asked.

"Nothin'," Enjolras said. "Let's go, shall we? The trees won't be there forever." Feuilly and Jehan got into the car. Enjolras grabbed Courfeyrac's arm. "I...need to show you something." Courfeyrac pulled his brows together.

Enjolras opened the back door and showed him what was inside the bag.

"You killed--"

"Shhh!" Enjolras hushed his friend, slamming the door shut.

"You killed Dame?" Courfeyrac whispered.

"No, it's knocked out," Enjolras said. "But I need to get it to a vet without Jehan noticing." Courfeyrac thought about it for a moment.

"I'm pretty sure there's a flower shop right next to one," Courfeyrac said. "We could go in there while you get the cat to the vet."

"Good plan," Enjolras said. He walked to the driver's side.

"Wait, won't Jehan notice you sneezing?" Courfeyrac was smiling.

"Shut up." Courfeyrac mimicked a sneeze as Enjolras got into the car, rolling his eyes. Enjolras tried to hold in all the sneezes while driving to the flower store. He drove as fast as he could without appearing suspicious.

"Are you feeling alright, Enjolras?" Feuilly asked. Enjolras looked in the mirror and nodded, trying to hold back another sneeze.

"He's probably reacting to your cat, Jehan," Courfeyrac said. Enjolras looked at him in the passenger's seat. "You probably still have her fur on you."

"Sorry, Enjolras," Jehan said.

"No--" Enjolras sneezed. "--worries!" As they neared the vet, Courfeyrac spoke up.

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