Following the Map That Leads To You

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A/N: I just...I can't anymore...and by the way, for some reason I keep picturing Tom Hiddleston as Javert. I honestly don't know why. Maybe it's because I just watched Thor and fangirled over Loki and Loki is a name we're considering for my family's new puppy so...back to your regularly scheduled program.

Joly was teaching the Amis how to bandage wounds in the Cafe Musain in mid-April when Enjolras slammed his fist down on the table and stood quickly. Everyone jumped in surprise. Combeferre looked up at the young leader, who was rubbing his jaw, in thought.

"I can't do this anymore," Enjolras said, his voice soft. Combeferre and Courfeyrac stood up at the same time. "We've spent months looking for Jehan. I think it's time we come to a decision. We revolt or we save Jehan. What's it going to be?" He looked around the room. Everyone was silent and making sure they were looking anywhere but at Enjolras. "Come on. I don't want to make the decision by myself. This is a democratic space, we need to vote."

"Couldn't we just finish with this?" Joly asked, holding up the white bandages.

"No, Joly," Enjolras said. Joly sat down with an annoyed sigh. "I care about Jehan as much as the rest of you but...I think he would want us to revolt. But I'm not going to make the final decision on my own. I'll give you all two days to decide. We'll meet back here on Thursday, okay?" He looked down at the table briefly and then back at Joly. "Continue. I have somewhere to be so I'll just get Combeferre to give me the short and sweet."

Joly started to protest but Enjolras was already out the door, his bag slung over his shoulder. He walked out into the spring air and took a deep breath in, but instead of inhaling fresh air, it was cigarette smoke. He coughed and looked arouned to see where the smoke was coming from. Montparnasse was leaning up against the Cafe Musain wall, a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hello, blondie," he said, a smug smirk on his face. Marius' friend, Eponine, was standing beside him, looking down at the sidewalk.

"What do you want?" Enjolras asked.

"Like you don't know, angel face," Montparnasse said, walking over to him. Eponine followed close behind. "You got my text, right?" Enjolras sighed and nodded. That was what caused the outburst in the cafe. He'd recieved a text from Montparnasse saying he knew where to find Jehan. Enjolras just needed an excuse to leave.

"What's your price?" Enjolras asked. Montparnasse threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it under his shoe.

"Come with me," 'Parnasse said. He went down an alley. Enjolras sighed and followed him, Eponine taking up the back of the group. At the end of the alley, Montparnasse stopped and turned back to Enjolras. "Thenardier is in need of your services." Enjolras pulled his brows together, giving 'Parnasse a look. "Not those services, Enjolras." Montparnasse pulled out a gun and held it out to Enjolras. "These services."

Enjolras backed away from the gun, bumping right into who he thought was Eponine but when he turned around it was in fact Gueulemer, now. The rest of the Patron Minette had come out of the building next to the cafe. Eponine was keeping watch at the opening of the alley. Enjolras turned back to Montparnasse.

"No," he said, angrily.

"Come on, Enjolras. You can't say you didn't enjoy killing that spy. I saw the smile on your face when I gave you the gun," Montparnasse said, his face twisted into an evil grin. "You're no better than me. You would make a wonderful addition to the Patron Minette. All you have to do is do Thenardier a little favor and we'll get your friend back for free and you'll be initated into the Patron Minette."

"I'm nothing like you," Enjolras growled. "I won't do it." He turned and tried to get past Gueulemer but the large gang member wouldn't let him go. Enjolras tried to go under his arm but Gueulemer grabbed him and held him against his will. "!"

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