Chapter 4

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I left my mother, and woke up screaming. I sat up, taking deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

A moment later, my father and Maria were at my side, watching me worriedly. I didn't want to tell them what was going on, but Dad was a full blooded demon, so maybe he could think of a way to slow down the process of my angel's death.

"Dad?" I whispered. "Can I talk to you? Alone?"

As soon as my dad started to nod, Maria had vanished. I looked around and found her cleaning something metal and pointed. I glanced down at my slightly torn dress. She must have removed the bullets and bandaged me while I was asleep.

"What is it, Selena?" my father asked me once my gaze had fallen to my hands, which were clasped in my lap. "Why the scream? Did your mother do something to you?" He seemed sincerely worried.

"Sorta," I answered just as sincere. He was clearly not happy with that answer, by the way his arms folded and he sat back, as if waiting for an explanation.

"Mom told me what was wrong with me."

He sat there expectantly, waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath.

"I had a flash back to the day Mom died, but it wasn't something I had done. I was watching the hunters as they drove off with her body. It was explaining to me why the lake was there. I was surrounded by smoke and flames, and the hunters had crashed carriages. The one that held Mom didn't get caught up in it."

Dad said nothing, but I thought I saw some relief in his eyes.

"Anyway," I continued, "The lake is there in remembrance of the hunters who died in the crash, because they protected their precious city from the monsters they all feared." I kinda choked up a little at that last bit.

My father put his arm around me, still silent.

"Mom said that half of me is dying, Dad," I cried quietly. "She said that soon my angel half will die completely, and I'll be a full blooded demon."

Dad still said nothing, probably because know he didn't know what to do. Even Maria couldn't help me now.

"I'm scared, Dad. What if I just die with my angel half? Then all this would be for nothing."

"I'm not certain, but," my father began, "saving your mother might save you."

"Then let's get to the U.S."

My father smiled. "It would be faster if you could fly us there, but I doubt you can carry us both."

"I don't know if I could last a whole boat ride..."

"Then I guess you either try to hang on or try to fly us over. I would, but my true form is beyond humans, and they would be horrified."

"A small part of me believes that Maria isn't exactly one hundred percent human," I admitted.

My dad's gaze traveled from me to Maria, and then back to me. He gave me a confused glance, then turned back to Maria. She was now digging through bags.

"Think about it," I told him. "She agreed not to tell anyone what I am when we first met, and has kept her promise. She allied with me when I told her the hunters would be after me for the rest of my life in an instant, she helped me with my wings, and now she's helping locate Mom. Either she's not human, or she's working for the hunters and luring me into a false sense of security, only to betray me in the end."

"Whatever she is," my father said, turning back to me, "she isn't a demon."

I'd figured that much out on my own.

I stood. My father backed away from me a little so I had room to stand and stay balanced.

"There's one more thing you should know if you want me to fly you over the ocean."

This caught Maria's attention, and looked to me, as if asking for permission to hear the next part, because it did involve her. I nodded, and she walked over to stand next to my dad.

I slowly unfolded my wings. Once they were fully extended, I heard Maria gasp, and saw my father's serious face as he studied the changes. I looked back at my once angelic wing, which was now a dark gray, and shaped more like a bird's than an angel's. My demon wing looked its part. It was an even deeper black than before, if that was at all possible. It was also shaped like a bird's wing.

I felt a sharp pain in my angel wing, and I cried out. Maria approached me, but I held out my hand to stop her. She stopped abruptly, watching me carefully, her face showing true concern.

I fell to my knees as the pain grew. I looked back at it and saw it slowly changing. The black was becoming deeper, only slightly, and the shape changed a little a well. I wanted to scream, but saw it was pointless to do so.

The pain slowly subsided, and I got to my feet. My dad approached and put his hands on my shoulders, staying his arm length away from me.

"Maybe we should take the boat," he said. "If you were to carry us both over the ocean, and this happen on the way, then you would drop us and we'd be goners."

"Dad, I'm becoming a demon. I don't know if I could control a true form if I developed one."

"I'll stay right by you the whole time. I won't let you hurt anyone." He moved the hair that was hanging in my face to behind my ear soothingly, and I smiled at him.

"Thanks," I said, suddenly exhausted.

Dad nodded, then hugged me. I hugged him back until I fell asleep in his arms.

Quest for the Lost--Sebastian's Daughter Sequel (A Black Butler Fanfic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now