Chapter 8

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"Maria?" I asked, shocked. "Finny? How did you guys get here?"

Maria ran up to me and hugged me tightly. Finny hugged me as well, only much more gently. It still felt like he thought might break, but this time, his hands stayed away from my back.

He knows.

I jerked away from him, surprising him and making my arm slam against my wing. I winced in pain.

He looked terrible and shocked, and worried and confused and apologetic all at the same time.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, then looked at him. Quietly, I said, "How much do you know?"

Finny looked guilty now. "Maria filled me in. The young master wanted me to come and try to help so that his butler could come home soon."

I glanced at Maria, and considered giving her a death glare. I decided against it. She had done nothing but help me so far, and I was sure she had thought that Finny knowing what was going on would help us as well.

"Maria," my father spoke up, "how did you get here?"

"Oh, we hitched a ride," she replied with a smile.

I noticed Finny give my dad an apologetic smile, and dad held his head in his hand and sighed.

Suddenly, a flash of bright red filled my vision, and I would have fallen backwards in surprise if Finny had not caught me. I smiled at him in thanks, then looked around to find what had caused the red flash.

I finally saw a person standing a few feet to the right of me. They had long red hair, a red coat, and red glasses with skulls on them. They also had a chainsaw, an that was when I realized this was a man. When he smiled, his teeth were long and pointed. He was tall, but not taller than my father, and his smile was starting to creep me out. Also, I thought I saw him making googly eyes at my father.

"Bassy!" he yelled, dropping his chainsaw and racing for my father. The stranger wrapped his arms around my dad and hugged him. "Oh, Bassy, it's been too long!"

My father sighed. "Grell, it has been less than a week..." he replied.

"I know!!!" Grell screamed. Then my father took his fist and punched Grell right in the face, sending him flying out of the park.

"Now, Selena isn't doing well at the moment. We were about to find a hotel or something. Are you two coming?" my father asked, looking at Finny, who was still holding onto my arm gently, and Maria.

"Of course we are," Maria said, smiling at my father.

Dad turned, grabbed my free arm, a gently took me away from Finny and picked me up. He carried me until we reached a hotel, then set me down before going in.

He easily booked us two rooms. One was for me and him, and the other was for Maria and Finny. My father's reasoning had been that he needed to be nearby in case I suddenly lost all of the angel left inside of me and went into a demon form. Maria agreed immediately, but Finny seemed a bit reluctant to leave me. I told him I would be fine. He nodded and went to his room with Maria.

Once my father and I were in our room and the door was closed, I immediately went over to the window and opened it. The breeze that blew into the room was cool and felt perfect, fitting in with the setting sun. We had a room with a forest view, so there were no people that could see into our room. Perfect.

I spread my wings slowly, with the windowsill in a death grip as I tried to deal with the pain. Once the cool air hit them, though, most of the pain left them, and I relaxed in the breeze, leaning against the wall.

My father walked over to me and started rubbing my should-be angel wing, helping to dismiss almost the rest of the pain that was there. I switched from leaning against the window frame to my father's welcoming arms, and fell asleep in his embrace.


I awoke the next morning in the bed by the window, which was still open. I was covered with a quilt and my head was lying on a soft pillow. I almost didn't want to sit up, but I knew I had to if I ever wanted to start searching for Mom.

I sat up and looked around. My father had left the room. He had probably went over to explain more to Finny or to talk strategy with Maria.

I stood and went out into the hallway, first making sure my wings were folded snuggly against my back. Once out of the room, I saw my father coming back toward me, with the red man clinging to him for dear life. I sighed, then face palmed.

"But Bassy, why are you going to see some girl when I'm here? I'm prettier than she is!" Grell complained, then noticed me staring at him. "Well, it's true," he said to me.

"Grell, stop," Dad said, calmly, trying to shake Grell off of him.

"Anything you say, Bassy!" Grell said.

"Dad, why is he back? He's really annoying."

Grell looked from me, to my father, then back to me, then back to my dad again. "'Dad'? Bassy, what is she talking about?"

Dad sighed. "Selena, I wish I could get rid of him, but he seems to follow me everywhere. And Grell, this is my daughter, Selena. I was going back to her room to check on her."

"'Daughter'?" Grell gaped.

"Yeah, now go away, Grell," I said, ignoring a growing pain in my wings.

"But Bassy, I was supposed to bear your children! When did she happen?"

"About 16 years ago, Grell, now get off of me!" My father threw Grell out an open window in the hallway, closed it, then smiled at me. "Much better, right?"

I nodded tiredly. "Do we have a plan yet?"

"I was just coming back to bring you to Maria and Finny's room so we can discuss it. Shall we go?"

I nodded again, and let my father lead the way.

Quest for the Lost--Sebastian's Daughter Sequel (A Black Butler Fanfic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now