Chapter 15

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I was still leaning against Finny, half asleep, when Dad and Maria returned. I sat up and tucked in my wings. Finny stayed where he was.

Maria walked over to me and checked me for injury, found nothing but bruises, then looked down at me. She was smiling. Dad wasn't, but he seemed to be in a better mood than before. They sat down on the other bed, facing us.

"We may have a lead," Maria said, almost squealing.

I felt my face light up. "Really?" I asked hopefully.

Maria nodded. "I ran into a friend while coming back to check on you. He's a scientist and well known for his findings. I told him that I had heard rumors about someone in town finding an angel and preserving the body. He told me the rumors were true, and that he knows who has it. Your father and I are going to meet him tonight and try to get the rest if the information from him. Oh, Selena, can you believe it? We're so close!"

I was super close to jumping up and down on the bed and pulling Finny into my happy dance, but I was somehow able to keep myself under control. "You're sure this man knows what he's talking about? What if it was him?"

"If it had been him, I would've heard about it right after it had happened." She was smiling. She wouldn't have thought anything of it ten years ago. I knew that for a fact. Unless of course, my hunch was right, and she's not as human as she claims to be.

I smiled back at Maria. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom to prep herself, since it was already almost five o'clock.

"Dad?" I asked. "Haven't you and Finny spent too much time away from Ciel? What if something happened and you weren't there? What if the hunters came back?"

"Young Master Ciel has Mey-Rin and Bard to help him." Finny pointed out.

"But Dad is the butler, after all. I was just wondering what was going to happen when he got back."

"Selena, it will be fine. The worst he could do is hit me," Dad said. "And he's just a child. He's not physically able to do much harm."

I smiled a little. "I just didn't want you guys to get in trouble because of me..."

"Even if we did, I'm sure it would be worth it," Finny smiled.

I smiled back at him, feeling a lot better. Dad gave his signature smile before leaving us so he could go and prepare himself for the upcoming evening.

Finny and I were going to be alone for an entire evening. I suddenly felt nervous. We did need to be alone so I could ask him what that kiss meant, but I really didn't want to ask him. Maybe it was just something to shut me up. That happens a lot, doesn't it?

The bathroom door opened slowly, and Maria walked out. She was wearing a pale blue dress that complimented her light blonde hair. She had a small hat in her hands that matched the dress. It was almost scary how much prettier she looked just by putting her in a dress.

"Wow, Maria, you look amazing!"

She looked over and smiled. "Thanks. I wanted to look nice so maybe I could have a better chance of getting the information."

I laughed a little. Finny was trying to hide his look of horror by facing the other direction. I knew Maria was kidding. Maybe he just thought it was a terrible joke.

Maria laughed at Finny, then said, "Selena, I'm going to go downstairs for a moment. I'll be right back."

I nodded, and Maria left, closing the door behind her.

Finny smiled sheepishly, and I laughed. I'd never thought that I cold have fun in a time of distress, but I was. My father and Maria were going out to find my mother's location, while Finny and I were going to stay in the room and out of sight.

"So what are we supposed to do while they have fun?" I asked Finny.

He shrugged. "There isn't much to do in here. We could play twenty questions, but that isn't much fun unless we have more than two people."

"Go," I said.


"I'm thinking of something. Try to guess what it is."

Finny smiled. "Is it an animal?"

I shook my head no.

He thought for a moment. "Is it a person?"

I nodded.

"Do they have black hair?"


"Male or female?"

"Yes or no questions only, Finny! But the answer is unknown."

"So it's that weird red person who is in love with Sebastian?"

I nodded. "See? We don't need more people to have fun. Your turn."

Just as Finny opened his mouth to tell me he was ready, the door opened, and there stood a strange man wearing a lab coat and black boots.

I pressed my wings into my back so hard it hurt.

Finny seemed to sense my unease, because he stood and asked, "Can I help you with something?"

The man seemed disappointed. He looked at me intensely, and I stared straight back, fear in my eyes.

Slowly, the man backed away. "Sorry, I must have the wrong room," he said in his foreign accent. Then it occurred to me that we were the foreigners here, not him. "I'll just be going." He pulled he door closed, and I didn't even breathe until his footsteps had faded down the hall, no longer audible.

Finally, I took a breath and tried to calm myself. Something makes me highly doubt that man was the one meeting Maria in a little while at a diner. I looked to Finny, who was staring at me worriedly.

"He was looking for me," I told him. "I guess I don't look like myself much anymore, do I?"

"I don't see a difference."

"You're around me every day, so you don't notice." I sighed. "I think I'll go take a bath."


I stood and walked to the bathroom, barely making it before feeling the pain in my wings return. I rinsed out the tub, ran some warm water, undressed, then soaked in the warm water, feeling safe with Finny right outside, guarding me with his life.

Quest for the Lost--Sebastian's Daughter Sequel (A Black Butler Fanfic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now