Chapter 29

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My dreams were full of my mother's dying moments. Releasing me into the sky when I was five, a knife driven through her chest, and her shimmering body as she faded from the world between life and death, out of my life forever.

I awoke when my father handed me off to Alex, and heard him whispering to him about taking me back to London. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting Alex to know I was awake. Why had he left when I needed him near me the most? I thought he had abandoned me after his promise he made, as if he realized he had no idea how he was going to keep it. At least he returned, though. At least he didn't leave me for good.

I felt him speed up every once in a while, and then a mega boost later. I stirred in his arms, trying to keep my wings perfectly still. This just caused Alex to hold me tighter.

"We'll be there soon, Selena. Just try to hang on," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, and nuzzled my head against his chest, falling back to sleep almost instantly.


When I awoke, the sun was peeking through curtains, and I was laying on a bed. I had been carefully placed on my side, so I wasn't lying on my wings.

With one look around the room, I knew I was in Maria's house. I could tell because of the furniture and wallpaper. They didn't look anything like the Phantomhive Manor. Plus, I knew they wouldn't even think of taking me back to the manor in my condition.

I stood from the bed on wobbly legs, and slowly started toward the door. I coughed violently before making it halfway there, and fell to the floor.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Alex was at my side in seconds.

"What happened? Are you alright?" His hands were on my shoulders, and he was looking at me earnestly.

I nodded, my coughing starting to subside. Then I practically threw myself into his arms, crying.

Alex was shocked at first, but then wrapped his arms around me, holding me while I cried.

"It'll all be okay, Selena. I promise, you'll be okay."


Third Person POV:

When Selena finished crying, she looked up at Alex, wiping her eyes.

"How will it be okay?" she croaked. "Alex, my mother is dead, I won't even last a couple more days. How will everything be okay?"

Alex thought for a moment, not sure how to respond. Apparently he thought longer than he'd realized.

Selena gave an exasperated laugh. "You don't know, and yet you still tell me? Why lie to me? I know what's going to happen, Alex. Stop denying the truth. I'll be dead in a couple days, then you can go back to your life. You'll be the only one again. Enjoy it. Maybe they'll make you famous."

Selena stood on shaking legs and made her way to the door. She opened it, stepped into the hall, and then closed it again.

As Alex got to his feet, he heard something hit the ground, followed by Selena's screams.

Rushing out the door, he saw Selena lying on the floor, and heard her sobbing softly. He quickly got to her side and kneeled next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she carefully turned her head to face him, her face covered with tears.

Alex helped her sit up, and then Selena latched onto him in a death grip. She was balling, and all he could do was hold her.

"Why did you leave, Alex?" she cried. "Why did you leave when I needed you?"

Alex patted her back. "You'll find out in a moment. I was up here waiting for you to wake up so I could take you downstairs.  Everyone is worried and wants to see you."

Selena stopped crying and gaped at Alex. "You left me at my mother's funeral, when I needed you to comfort me, and now you won't even tell me why? What's gotten into you? You weren't like this before."

"I know, and I apologize. We have a surprise for you, Selena. That's why I can't tell you."

"A surprise? You really think I want a surprise right now? That's the last thing I want! What I want is for you to talk to me! What I want is for anyone to accept what is going to happen!" She paused for a moment, her eyes beginning to glisten once again with unshead tears. "What I want is my mom."

Alex frowned. "I know you do. Believe me, so do I. But bad things happen. Like your mom told you, I'm going to try to help you. Maria is going to work on your wings. Cleaning them out is sure to help you stay alive. That's the first step. Now, we need to get you downstairs. I'm sure your father is worried."

Selena huffed, "Fine."

Alex helped her to her feet, and then slowly lead her down the stairs to her awaiting friends.

(Sorry everyone! It's shorter than I promise. But it's late and school starts back up tomorrow. I wanted to get something out. I don't know when the next chapter will be, but I promise it will be the last one!!! Are you as excited as I am? And I have a question for all of you. The more answers, the sooner I post the next chapter. Who is your favorite pairing in this series so far. SelenaxFinny, SelenaxAlex, SebastianxAngelica, SebastianxMaria? Just tell me who you ship! It doesn't even have to be the four I named. Maybe you ship Christopher with someone. And if you have a ship name, I'd like to know that as well. Love you all!)

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