Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange X Reader (Platonic)- Sling Rings

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"I still do not understand why you had spoken to that Asgardian," you said while meditating. "Why would a powerful being like him need your help?"

Stephen rolled his eyes, "Everyone needs help every once in a while, (Y/N)."

You opened one eye, "I understand that, but I am saying that why would he come to you?"

"Because I am the Sorcerer Supreme," he responded, closing his book. "If you are not going to meditate properly, then I suggest we do something else."

"What is the something else that we can do?" you asked, standing up. "Please don't tell me Wong needs help reorganizing the library again."

"He does not at the moment, but I will send you anyway if you continue to patronize me," Stephen warned, placing his book on the table to his left.

"It is my job to patronize you ever since my mother was killed," you said, approaching him, "and don't act like you do not enjoy my company."

"Every once in awhile," he admitted, making a face, "but mostly your sass ruins it for me."

"And it's your sass that ruins it for me as well," you quipped, "but I have to respect my mother's wishes and remain your apprentice until you decide I have completed my training."

"Don't remind me," he grimaced, but then ruffled your hair. "I was thinking that we should visit Wong today, but since you don't want to I guess I'll do this myself."

"If you're going to do what I am thinking you are going to do," you pointed a finger at him, "then I am joining you."

"That's what I thought," he stated with a smirk, grabbing two Sling Rings before walking out of the room. "Come on, this will be an excellent time to practice stealth."


Rotating your arm in a circle, you formed a small portal that would allow only your hand to fit through. Smiling, you reached into the portal and rearranged the books Wong was organizing, immediately closing the portal just before Wong turned around. You looked over to your master and waited, folding your arms.

"Watch and learn," he winked and then formed a portal.

You moved so that you could see what he was doing, and discovered that he flipped the book Wong was reading upside down. Placing your hand on your mouth, you silenced your laugh until he closed the portal, allowing you to laugh.

"And this is why I am the master," Stephen bowed, only to receive a slap from the Cloak of Levitation he was wearing.

Fumbling with the cloak, he removed it from his chest and flung it to the other side of the room.

"That's what you get you annoying piece of-"

"Hey!" you shouted. "You should respect the cloak, it did save you a couple times."

"Fine," he said, glaring at the cloak. "Let's see if you can do better."

You cracked your knuckles, "Watch and learn."

Rotating your arm in a circle once again, you formed a portal on an almost empty shelf, facing a couple of books. You stuck your hand in the portal and looked over to Stephen, wiggling your eyebrows as you push the books slightly off of the shelf, which gained Wong's attention. You quickly closed the portal and formed another one behind the empty space behind the books, just big enough to fit all of them. Through the portal, you could hear Wong moving the ladder and climbing up it. Suppressing a smile, you waited patiently as Wong continued to climb up the ladder. When he finally reached the shelf, he pushed the books back into the portal. As soon as they were through, you closed the portal and caught the books.

"Looks like you're the one who needs to watch and learn," you smiled, handing him the books.


You flinched and looked over to the door, "I think you'd better return those books before WOng catches you."

Laughing, you formed one last portal and jumped through, waving as it closed. Swearing under his breath when he heard Wong's loud footsteps, he tried to form a portal to the library, but he saw that the ring wasn't on his hand.

"You sneaky little-"


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