Future!Eddie Brock/Venom X Reader- Safe (Part 5)

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You were sure your heart stopped when you fell towards the ground, but it nearly thumped right out of your chest as you swung back up away from the ground. It was like you were on autopilot, you were swinging from building to building without even realizing that you were. Soon you were right behind Eddie, who was currently in a car chase with a couple of black SUVs. The idiot below you was in a fucking motorcycle, which was ridiculous compared to the huge SUVs that could ram into him and crush him like a bug.

Let the idiot fend for himself.

"You know we can't do that," you said, watching as Eddie's symbiote crash the two cars beside them.

See? The idiot and his feral Other can handle themselves.

Sighing, you landed on the nearest rooftop and watched as Eddie vanished from your view. Looking back at the crashed SUVs, you swung to the street and landed near one of the wrecked vehicles. Gripping onto one of the doors, you pulled it off and tossed it to the side. There was a total of three passengers in the vehicle, but the goon in the front passenger seat was dead and the other two were severely injured. Knowing that it would be useless to interrogate them, you moved on to the other vehicle and tore off the front passenger door. Dropping the door, you cut the seat belt and ripped the conscious goon out of the car. You shoved him up against the side of the car, making it jolt for a few seconds. Just as you were about to interrogate him, you heard police sirens quickly growing louder. Growling in frustration, you threw the goon over your shoulder and jumped onto the roof of a convenience store, which was conveniently short enough for you to gain higher ground. The man groaned when you landed, but that didn't stop you from continuing on.

It will be much easier to probe his mind and leave him to the authorities.

Rolling your eyes, you landed onto a higher rooftop and dropped the goon. He groaned once again. Grabbing his shoulder, you lifted him up and held him over the edge of the building.

Nevermind, I like this tactic.

"You better tell me what the Life Foundation is planning or you'll be free falling to your death," you said, watching him grab your arm as he freaked out. "I personally don't have the time or patience to deal with you right now, so you better answer me before my arm gets tired."

"Okay, okay!" he screamed, trying not to look down. "I only know the basics, b-but they're planning on making a-a group of super-powered soldiers."

"We already know that," you said, slightly loosening your grip.

"Wait, w-wait!" he shouted, glancing down before looking at you again. "T-they used five symbiotes and bonded them to Life Foundation employees who volunteered for the project! B-but they're not cooperating with their orders!"

"How unstable are they?" you asked, wondering why the other symbiotes were more violent and controlling than your own.

"Not unstable, just resilient!" he replied.

Deciding that you had enough information, you set him down on the rooftop before swinging to another rooftop. You and Eddie weren't the only ones anymore, and they were crazy enough to volunteer for this life. Having any kind of super ability is a curse, and even if you don't realize it at first, it'll haunt you for the rest of your life. The power may not be completely awful, and sometimes it feels amazing, but the most important thing to remember is that there is always a cost. Superheroes often don't remain who they were before they had fame and/or abilities. Sometimes they become worse, sometimes they remain the same, but sometimes they become better. This didn't apply to the five who volunteered. They may have thought they were doing something good for the world, but they'll soon realize that they sacrificed their humanity in order to try to save it. It takes a monster to defeat a monster. That's what you have heard your whole life, but you never knew the meaning until you became one. Monsters aren't just the bad guys who kill everything they see, sometimes monsters were normal people who lost everything they had.

Landing on another roof, you were shocked to see another symbiote standing in the street with a man in its grasp. Connecting the pieces together, you realized that it was Eddie underneath the symbiote. He looked horrifying, but that didn't stop you from approaching him.

"Eddie!" you shouted, watching his head snap towards you. "He's not worth it and you know it! Put him down, we can-"

Before you could continue your sentence, he dropped the man and ran towards you, grabbing you before jumping onto the side of a building. Gasping, you were unable to get free of his grasp as he climbed the building. Once he made it to the roof, he leaped across too many buildings to count, distancing the both of you from the Life Corp goons that were after the two of you. It seemed like an hour before he finally stopped and let you go. Backing away, you sat down on the ground and took a deep breath. You honestly felt like you were going to barf.

"(Y/N), I..."

You looked up just as he sat down next to you, looking at you curiously. This was the first time his symbiote met another bonded pair. You watched as his hand touched yours, grasping it before examining it. It was odd to see to see this happen, especially since Eddie's Other had done nothing other than being  violent.

"Why did you do all of that?" you asked, breaking the silence.

"They don't deserve to live," the symbiote replied, still examining your hand. "I see you don't know the real truths of our race."

"What?" you asked, looking around.

Do not listen to him, (Y/N).

Your surroundings had completely changed, replaced with a foreign world that seemed familiar to you. You watched as symbiotes were cast out from a compound, forced to board a ship before it left the planet. Others were slaughtered in the background.

"As you can see, not all bonds were respected by the Agents of the Cosmos," the symbiote said, watching the ship leave the planet. "They were so desperate to hide their violent past, and it cost so many Klyntar lives. Soon the Exiled infected and killed entire planets, using their hosts until they perished."

Your surroundings shifted, showing you how entire species were killed off. You didn't even notice the tears falling down your face, you only paid attention to the horrors in front of you.

"I was the offspring of an Exiled, but I had the beliefs you have," he explained. "I believe that life should be cherished and our bonds should not be temporary. They cast me out, but the Agents would not have me either."

"You have the beliefs of the Agents of the Cosmos but the ferality of the Exiled," you observed, watching as your surroundings changed back.

"Now you know why we must tear our enemies to shreds," he growled, "they do not respect life, just like the Exiled."

(Y/N)... the Agents of the Cosmos were created to provide peace, not create a way for chaos to regain control. Their teachings did not involve any of this...

Wiping your tears away, you looked at the symbiote. You hesitated for a moment, knowing that if you teamed up with him you might not remain yourself.

Do it, (Y/N), we must eliminate the Life Corporation.

"What do we need to do?"

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