Avengers X Reader- What are Fossa?

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"I told you guys drinking alcohol while watching horror movies was a bad idea," you stated, glaring over to the obviously drunk Avengers that you were somehow affiliated with.

"Shut it, Party Pooper!" Scott shouted, receiving glares from his teammates. "What?"

"Are you sure that you're Stark's spawn?" Nat asked, raising a brow.

You rolled your eyes, "Just because my father enjoys alcohol, it doesn't mean that I will."

"And how old are you?" Scott asked, "Twelve?"

"Do I look twelve to you?" you deadpanned.

"You do not!" Thor boomed. "You look of the age where your father would find suitors for matrimony."

You scrunched your nose, "If that were to happen, I'd worry about who my dad would pick."

Thor made a face and nodded after a few seconds, "I agree, Stark has rejected every partner you have brought here, and they were decent."

After Thor finished his sentence, the whole team bursted out laughing. Frowning, you sunk deeper into the couch to hide your face, which was growing red. Why do you hang out with these people? Oh, yeah, they're your only friends and family that you can rely on.

"You guys are assholes," you said, your voice muffled by your blanket.

"It's our job to be assholes," Nat said, taking a sip from her drink.

Wanda nodded, "Family members are meant to annoy you, (Y/N)."

"I know," you huffed. "I have lived with my father my whole life."


You shrieked and jumped out of the couch, using your ability to fly to reach the ceiling. From the ceiling, you could see your father running to the elevator. Below you the team was laughing once again, making you cross your arms and frown.

"You okay up there?" Steve asked.

"I'm good," you responded, floating slowly to the ground, but you froze when you saw the group of lions come out of the hall where your father had run from, "but you're not."

"What are you talking abou- oh!" Scott shouted, looking over to where your eyes were glued to.

"They're so cute!" you gushed, approaching the lions slowly. "You guys look like you're hungry."

"(Y/N), get away from the lions," Steve whispered loudly. "What the hell is wrong with your father?"

"Language, Cap!" your father said from the speakers.

Ignoring the team, you flew over to the fridge and took out some raw meat for the lions. You approached them slowly and placed the meant on the floor, smiling when they started eating the meat. Other than flying, you were an empath, which was proving to be very useful in this situation.

You sat down and started to pet them, feeling that they were starting to relax, "You poor things, you were so scared, and I have no idea why dad called you Fossas. You're obviously lions."

"I was in the heat of the moment, (Y/N)!" your father retorted, making the team look over to you.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Are they eating you?"

"Do you need me to call 911?"

"Guys, I'm fine," you responded calmly, "but please calm down, you're scaring them."

"What's going on in here?" Bucky asked, yawning and wiping his eyes, halting his movements when he saw you cuddling with five lions. "You okay, (Y/N)?"

"I'm good," you smiled. "Do you wanna pet them?"

Shrugging, Bucky walked slowly over to you and sat next to a lion, "How did these guys get in here?"

"My dad," you responded, scratching behind a lioness' ear.

"That explains everything," Bucky said, chuckling when a lioness leaned on his metal arm, savoring the cold.

"Well," your dad said, exiting the elevator, "this was unexpected."

You glared at him, "Why did you bring them here?"

He shrugged, "It was either bring them here or let them get slaughtered. Do you remember that one mission we had a few days ago?"

You nodded, continuing to snuggle with the lions.

"Well, I had to keep them for a couple days in order to ship them back to their home," he finished, looking over to the lions, "and since you're making them comfortable, they'll stay with you until they leave in two days."

You gave your dad a wide smile and laughed when the lioness licked your cheek, "Yeah, I think you're adorable, too."

"Buck?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, Steve?" he asked, laughing when a lioness laid on top of his legs.

"What are Fossa?"

"I don't know! Go use the Goggle thing or something," he said, returning his attention to the lioness.

"Actually it's called Google, and-"

"Shut it, Stark!"

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