Avengers X Reader- Weird Misfits

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Clutching the edge of your hoodie, you walked through the streets with your guard up, ready to strike at any moment. You didn't know if your disguise or your slight change in age would throw them off from your trail, but you knew that you had to be prepared no matter how safe you expect your surroundings to be. Your knife was in your pocket, which your left hand was clutching onto for dear life. A stolen Magnum was tucked into your jeans, the cold metal providing a sense of security as you trudge to the building you were taking refuge in. The pouring rain had soaked through your clothing when you were about halfway to the building, but the only thing you cared about was the food you were carrying in the plastic bags the store provided. Water from the rain had obviously doused the groceries you bought, but you had bought only fruits, vegetables and canned foods.

Looking around, you surveyed your surroundings before entering the building, making sure to barricade the entrance before walking to the room you occupied. The building had been ordered to be demolished by a construction company, but they ran out of business before they were able to tear it down. This allowed you to have a roof under your head without wasting money or having to deal with nosy neighbors. Someone your physical age would have a parent or two taking care of them, but obviously you didn't. If you weren't careful, you would draw the attention of the government, social workers, Hydra, or even the Avengers. You didn't want to be dragged back into that life, you had done enough damage to the world.

Placing the soaked plastic bags down, you removed your soaked hoodie from your body and hung it on a piece of wire sticking out from a wall. Combing your wet hair to the side with your fingers, you froze when you felt a vibration from a few meters away from you. You picked up the groceries and shoved them into the fridge, which was somehow still operating, and shut the door slowly. Feeling another vibration, one too large to be a rodent, you looked over to your hoodie, tempted to retrieve your knife. Looking over to the entrance, you were able to catch movement in the shadows. Looking over to your hoodie once again, you walked over to it and placed it back on, not caring if it had barely got a chance to dry. You were able to live in somewhat peace for years, and now someone has found you. Sucking in a breath, you zipped up your hoodie and turned in the other direction, running through a broken wall.

Breathing heavily, you ran through a few more broken walls, not stopping as you snatched your backup bag from the ground. You could tell that there were multiple assailants after you, four or five you estimated. It was almost as if a switch was flipped, sending you into flight mode. The twists and turns of the building would have been confusing to you on a normal day, but the fear of being captured was your sense of direction. After finally reaching the other side of the building, you slammed yourself through a window, rolling onto the building next to it before running again. Sliding your arms through the straps, you slid to a stop when the infamous Iron Man landed in front of you, aiming his hand at you. Backing away, you could see more people surrounding you in your peripheral vision, making your breathing quicken.

He tilted his head, you were unsure if it was in confusion or to signal the people behind you. Not taking any chances, you swiftly ran towards him and slid through his legs, pushing yourself up after you cleared his body. You jumped to the next building, which was far smaller than the one you were on before, and removed the Magnum from your pants, shooting in Iron Man's direction as you fell to the next building. Grabbing the ledge of the building with one hand, you nearly let go of your gun when you collided with the side of the building. Pulling yourself up, you resumed running away from the Avengers. Arrows and bullets landed close to your feet, making you turn alter your course. You needed to get to somewhere busy, where it would be easy to blend in and get lost in the crowd. Gasping, you skidded to a stop when Thor landed in front of you, his lips moving, but you could hear nothing.

Iron Man landed next to him, aiming his hand at you once again. You watched as the repulsor lit up, your nerves flaring. Covering your face with your arms, his blast launched you to the other end of the roof. Staggering up, you looked down to see your sleeves burnt away, but that wasn't the only thing destroyed. The high end latex covering your metal arms was ruined, revealing the metal monstrosities that replaced your limbs. Your hands started shaking, the world around you swaying. Collapsing on your knees, you couldn't remove your eyes from the metal plates glistening in the sunlight. Backing away, you could see their lips moving, their eyes telling you to stop. You didn't listen, but the pain in your neck stopped you for them. Collapsing onto the ground, you watched as the pairs of legs walked closer to you. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to succumb to whatever drug they injected into you.


Groggily opening your eyes, you rubbed your face with your hand, your eyes snapping open as soon as you felt the cool metal on your skin. Quickly sitting up, you looked frantically around the room, panicking as soon as you remembered what happened. Throwing the blanket off of you, you struggled against the straps that were securing your legs to the bed. Raising your fist, you were shocked to feel your arm forced back down. Looking to your right, your eyes met with blue ones, making you freeze in fear. What were they going to do to you? What have they already done to you? Sensing your panic, the man let go of your arm and said something, but you obviously didn't catch what he said. You watched him press his lips together and reach for something behind him, a whiteboard.

I'm Clint, he wrote.

He held the thick black pen to you, smiling when you took it out of his hand.

(Y/N), you wrote hesitantly, placing the pen on top of the board.

Do you know where you are?

You shook your head, not making a move to grab the pen again. He sighed, erasing the board and scribbling down another sentence.

How long have you been deaf?

You shook your head again, not wanting to answer. He erased the board again, writing something new.

The Avengers are good people, (Y/N). We're here to help you, not use you as a weapon. You can trust us.

Snatching the pen out of his hand, you wrote your reply.

Why? The last time I trusted someone I was captured and used to do horrific things. For all I know, you're going to make me fight again.

He wiped away your words with his sleeve, writing something longer than his previous sentences.

Kid, we won't make you do anything you aren't comfortable with. Yeah, we're a bunch of weird misfits bunched together as a team, but we're also a family. I promise we'll take care of you.

You read over his message a few times, debating over whether or not you could trust him or the Avengers. Looking over to him, you nodded hesitantly, the sincere smile on his face letting you know you made the right decision.

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