Future!Eddie Brock X Reader- Safe (Part 1)

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Make sure to read the prologue to this before you read this one.


Opening your eyes, the first thing you saw was the glass window for a wall. Besides the overwhelming stench of hand sanitizer, the only other things that stood out were the people in white lab coats staring at you through the window. Rubbing your face, you pushed yourself up, looking down when you realized that your clothes felt different. Who the fuck changed you out of your clothes?!

"Hey!" you shouted, standing up. "I know my rights! Let me go!"

They ignored you, your shouting didn't even phase them as they continued to write. Huffing, you sat back down and looked behind the douchebags in the white coats, trying to see if there was any indication of where you were. There weren't any logos or people you recognized, but you knew that this is really bad.

Don't worry, we will escape soon.

You jumped, not used to hearing a voice in your head, not even a little bit. Your stomach churned, making you feel like you were going to puke. Looking up, you frowned when you saw something leak out of the vents around the room. Glancing over at the scientists, you watched as some of them took out stopwatches.

Okay, you thought, how will we escape? How can I trust you, you asked, you're the reason I'm here.

Rubbing your arms, you noticed how cold the cell was. Moving to a corner, you curled into yourself and looked at the scientists, watching their every move.

Where did you come from?

Shivering, you waited for an answer. Your vision was fading, the temperature dropped dramatically within a few seconds.

"I don't want to die," you said, your teeth chattering as tears fell down your face, "at least not alone."

I am from a planet very far from this one, its name is Klyntar. It has been abandoned for a long time, but it used to be the primary headquarters of the Agents of the Cosmos. They were made up of various species of aliens bonded to us and we were dedicated to maintaining order across the universe. Unfortunately, that did not last, our peaceful world was corrupted.

"I-I'm s-sso-"

Save your strength, they are testing you. Soon your body will succumb to these harsh conditions, but I can help. These people are seeing if I could allow you to survive longer, enhance your regular abilities.

Why help me, you thought, you don't know anything about me.

Your eyes drifted shut, but you forced them open. Sucking in a breath, you realized that your heart was beating at a fast rate, your breathing had quickened as well. Shivering, you lifted your hand, which was very difficult to move, and noticed that it was turning red and on the verge of turning blue. Moving your legs, you hissed in pain as you pushed yourself up. Disoriented, you lost your balance and slammed into the wall. Using it as support, you slowly walked to the window. Placing a hand on the window, you flipped off the scientists while using the window to stabilize yourself. They were unamused, the man on the far left adjusted something on the screen he was holding. The vents hissed even more, more cold air rushed into the room.

Clenching a fist, you hit the glass, barely feeling anything when your knuckles were cut open. Screaming, you hit the glass repeatedly, damaging your hands and smearing blood all over the glass. Your heart was beating out of your chest when you went to hit the glass one last time, but this time your fist was covered in the black substance that was the reason you were here in the first place. You grabbed the nearest scientist and pulled him towards you, slamming his head into the glass before pulling your hand back through the glass.

Run into the glass.

You didn't question the voice, you only acknowledged it by backing up into the wall. Running, you collided with the glass, completely breaking through as the last scientist moved out of the way. Landing on the ground, you quickly pushed yourself up and ignored the many cuts and pieces of glass embedded into your skin. You looked around and ran to the right, going in the opposite direction the scientists went. Stopping, you looked at a sign attached to the right side of a doorway. Your eyes drifted down until you saw the words 'loading dock' in bright white letters. The arrow next to them pointed forward, so you followed the signs until you finally escaped the building. You couldn't even remember how long you had been running when you stopped, but when you looked back you saw the building at a distance.

"The Life Foundation," you muttered, hissing when you touched your arm. "They're going to come after us, aren't they?"

I have no doubt that they will.

You sighed and started picking out the pieces of glass from your arm, "It looks like we're going to go off the grid, I'll have to live in a forest with no electricity and-"


"What do you mean 'no'?" you asked, tossing a piece of glass to the side. "If they find us again, and I know you're not gonna just hitch a ride temporarily, they'll lock us up again and will poke and prod us until we're dead."

There will be more of us if we do not do something about this. I will not allow these pests to use my species as test subjects!

You pulled another piece of glass from your arm before walking again, "We'll discuss this later, I need to pick all of these glass shards out and figure out how to get away from this place."

I can help you with that.

You watched as the black liquid appeared on your skin, washing off the glass and healing the wounds with ease. Now that you were able to examine it, the color was more of a dark blue than black. When the wounds were all healed, the liquid retreated back into your skin.

"Thank you," you said, looking around. "We better get out of here before they catch up with us."

I can also help you with that.

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