Already Whole (Future Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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The Avengers was something created to bring people together who were capable of protecting the world, something that no other group on Earth could do. The whole world doesn't see it that way, only acknowledging the destruction and death that the Avengers left in their wake. You understood their opinions on them, but they were not putting all the facts together. The first incident that brought them together was mainly caused by S.H.I.E.L.D. and its need for powerful weapons that could be created from the Tesseract, but the Avengers were the ones who cleaned up the secretive organization's mess. New York was by no means the Avenger's fault, but many tend to forget to research before forming an opinion. What happened in Washington was also a result of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s need for control, but of course, HYDRA took advantage of this need. The helicarriers were gunned down by each other and once again S.H.I.E.L.D. was not the one to blame. Sokovia, on the other hand, was the result of many events, causing the one and only Tony Stark to create Ultron. It wasn't hard to find this information, especially when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, but the rest you figured out on your own.

The politicians could never understand what those individuals went through to save this planet or the victims of these events. They've lost their families, their homes and sometimes everything they had. You had lost your arm when Loki attacked New York, the merciless aliens blasted your arm off without warning. Of course, having only one arm had its disadvantages, but that only urged you to work harder to get what you wanted. You wanted to be a filmmaker, someone who could shape the world by capturing its beauty and its flaws. Many stated that you could not do it, but you shoved your success in their faces and created many successful award-winning films. It was exhilarating to know that your dreams finally came true, but the hate and comments would always manage to creep up and drag you down. Despite all of your accomplishments, some people only see the missing part of the whole person you already are.

After the countless interviews about your newest movie, your face hurt from the fake smiles and laughs you used to respond to their questions. You couldn't take it anymore, the questions about the lack of an arm and how it affects your filmmaking capabilities, the questions about getting a prosthetic arm, and the questions about your love life. How does your love life relate to a movie about changing the world for the better? It reflected on the wrongs of the world and multiple characters' struggles to make a difference for the better, but you guessed the interviewers were only interested in your disability. That's why you were currently breaking down in the bathroom of the theater, missing the preview screening of the movie you put your heart and soul in. Your face was a mess, tears were running down your face and the lump in your throat grew more painful by the second. You had answered so many questions long before the ones you answered today, why now of all times did you have a break down in a bathroom? Taking a deep breath, you grabbed a small piece of a paper towel and ran cold water on it. Just as you were going to wipe your face, you saw a young girl standing near the door in the mirror.

"Princess Shuri, what are you doing here?" you asked before realizing that this was a public bathroom.

"Are you alright?" she asked, walking over to you.

"Would it matter if I answered honestly?" you replied, placing the damp paper towel clump on the counter. "I look like a mess."

Shuri smiled, "You do not look like a mess."

"I do," you said, turning around and leaning up against the counter.

"Are you calling me a liar?" she asked, standing beside you.

"I ain't calling you a truther," you responded without thinking, your eyes widening. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry your hi-"

You were cut off by her bursting out laughing, "You don't need to apologize, I was just not expecting that at all. You don't seem like a person that would.."

"Quote vines?" you asked, wiping your eyes. "I rarely do it anymore, but that one slipped out."

"So why were you crying?" Shuri questioned you.

"Do I have to answer?" you asked, sighing when she nodded. "It's just the comments and questions about my disability I have to deal with, I just can't stand the idea that the only interesting thing about me is my missing arm."

Shuri remained quiet for a few seconds, "I can think of a few interesting things about you other than that."

"What?" you asked, trying to hold your incoming tears back.

"Your writing and filmmaking skills are the ones that I think of first," Shuri started, "but I can't forget about the charities and events you created to inspire and provide help for those who were not supported by anyone else. You help so many people with your films, showing that they are not truly alone and that there is someone out there who understands what they are going through. You are a hero to more than thousands of people, and one of them is me."

You sniffled, quickly wiping your tears away, "Thank you."

Shuri smiled, "Don't thank me yet. I think it's time for you to be the one who is helped."

You smiled back, wondering how exactly you helped Princess Shuri of Wakanda enough to be her hero in a world full of super-powered humans and aliens. 

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