Avengers X Reader- Weird Misfits (Part 2)

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Your decision to stay with the Avengers was regrettable, especially since the team broke up and fought against each other because of some stupid government document. Clint had told you that he was retiring from the team and returning to his family. You could see the pain in his eyes when he wrote he couldn't take you with him. The government, he explained, wanted to keep you under observation until they deemed you safe to be a member of society. You had given him a small smile, your lips shaking as you fought the tears threatening to escape. Before he left, he gave you a piece of paper with an address on it, explaining that when you got out you could stay there with him and his family. You had hugged him the second he was done explaining, tears flowing down your face. It hurt to see the only person you connected with leave, but you understood that he had other responsibilities other than taking care of you.

There were only a few members of the team left in the compound, but you never had any interactions with them. Clint had told you about them and showed some photos, but you knew that you wouldn't communicate with them. Tony was the only other Avenger that gave you much attention, fixing the high-end latex that covered your metal arms. He even said that he was working on some form of hearing aids for you, but they were put on hold as soon as he and the others left to deal with the other team members who went rogue. Deciding that enough was enough, you left the compound carefully, taking supplies with you. You knew that if you stayed in the US, they would have a better chance at finding you. Romania was a definite no, there was too much attention drawn to it. You decided on Russia, the country was big enough for you to disappear in and you knew the language as if you were born there. It could have possibly been your first language, but you would never know.

It was easy to blend in, changing your appearance was one of the most important things in running from the law. You changed your hairstyle and color, which was the easy part. The harder part was to smuggle yourself onto a plane without being noticed. You were able to do it successfully, but you would have to do it multiple times to get to Russia. It took nearly a day to reach Russia, but the precautions you took were worth it. No one had spotted you and you were able to make it to the town you wanted to go to. You were hesitant to check into a motel, but it was better than sleeping in the streets. The woman was kind enough to lead you to your room, wishing you a good night before returning to the front desk. Without thinking, you opened the door and closed it, locking it before turning on the lights. A man you had never seen before sat at the table, holding a small piece of machinery in his hand.

Before you could do anything, he switched it on. A ringing sound filled your head, even when you covered your ears. You could feel the conditioning taking over, making you become the monster you feared. When the ringing stopped, your hands drifted to your sides. The man placed the device down, approaching you slowly.

"Privideniye?" he asked, waiting for your response.

"Gotovy soblyudat," you replied almost instantly, making a sinister smile appear on his face.


The fortress he took you to was abandoned, a rusted and dilapidated hideout that hadn't been used in decades. Your eyes scanned the horizon as he inputted a code, the rusted door slightly creaking open once he finished. Turning around, you opened the door all the way, the door screaming in protest as you pushed it out of the way. He continued forward, leading you towards the location and one of the objectives of your mission. Once you were there, he left you alone in the huge room. There were multiple glowing tubes in the room, nearly doing your job for you. Grabbing the gun out of your holster, you fired a single shot into each of the soldiers' foreheads, decommissioning them for good. As soon as you were done, you walked down the halls, making your way towards the armory. The familiar twists and turns of the hallway did not faze you as you walked down them, neither did the armory with the suit that fit you like a glove. Without hesitation, you ripped off the latex from your shoulders all the way down to your fingertips.

It took you no more than two minutes to remove your clothes and put the suit on, falling into the routine that you went through for dozens of missions before this one. Your artillery was next, different weapons were either attached to your suit or held in your hands. Now all you had to do was to wait for the prey to come to you. 

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