Future!Eddie Brock/Venom X Reader- Safe (Part 3)

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Looking around the city, you were amazed by how many people didn't know what the Life Corporation had done to you, the Klyntar, and the other people who died because of their illegal tests. It had been weeks since you and your Other discovered what you were capable of, using your newfound abilities as an advantage. It was rather easy to find out that you could change the color and shape of your body, which allowed you to change your appearance and blend into any area, but it was difficult to get used to the other changes. With the help of your Other, you not only could form weapons just by thinking, you could invade the minds of others with physical contact. That made gaining intel and staying under the radar so much easier, but you could only do so much without being detected.

You were reported missing by your coworkers a few days after you escaped from the Life Corporation. You were the one to call them and ask if they had seen you recently, saying you were worried for your safety. They fell for it and checked your apartment out, but you had already gotten what you needed and planted evidence against the Life Corporation. You knew that wouldn't take it down, but it would arouse suspicion and doubt of the company's front. Luckily it caught the attention of a journalist who was also interested in the corporation's actions and coverups. You carefully watched his every move, making sure that he was not harmed in any way, but you couldn't do anything when he went into the very building you were held captive.

We have to remain hidden, if they find out we're here they'll realize that he's important to us. We can't ruin his chances of exposing them.

"But we're leaving him defenseless," you muttered, scanning the building. "They could do anything to him, they have the power to cover up the death or disappearance of a reporter like him."

And they could recapture us. We do not know if they have improved their abilities to contain, kill, or separate us. The underlings we received information from know nothing except the floors they scrub, we need someone who is important under our control.

"We already tried that and we almost got caught," you huffed, watching the lights around you turn red. "Something's wrong."

Blending into your surroundings, you slid into the vents and kicked open a vent cover. Grabbing the nearest scientist, you scanned his memories. He had seen Eddie go into the same area you were held captive. You released the scientist and commanded him to leave, pleasing your Other as you continued to look for Eddie.

He will be very useful.

You didn't respond, focusing on finding Eddie through all of this chaos. As soon as you heard a scream, you sprinted in its direction, halting when you saw armed guards heading in the same direction as you. Cursing in your head, you silently ran up behind them before taking them out. Leaving them unconscious, you continued forward through the halls until you were right in front of the dead body of a woman. Kneeling down, you noticed how her skin was frostbitten and had many glass shards embedded into her skin. Placing a hand onto her bare arm, you confirmed that there was no symbiote bonded with her.

We must leave her, our focus is on the journalist, not her.

Nodding, you removed your hand from her arm and ran, tracking Eddie's scent from a piece of cloth from the woman's hand. You noticed that he had taken the same route that you did, but you highly doubted that they would allow someone to escape from that exit twice. Shooting a rope onto a wall at the end of the hall, you propelled yourself forward and tackled Eddie. You both slid on the floor before stopping in front of the door, but he quickly got up and tried to kick you in the face. Grabbing his foot, you pushed it away before pushing yourself up.

"I'm trying to save you, jackass," you said, uncovering your face. "You don't want to go that way."


"Yes, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I'll explain everything, but right now we need to leave undetected," you cut him off. "There's a maintenance hatch this way."

You grabbed his hand and led the way to the hatch, barely avoiding the armed guards searching the halls. Before you knew it, you were at his apartment with him having a mental breakdown.

Are you sure it was wise to reveal yourself to him? They know he was there, (Y/N), and they'll come for him. We both know they will.

Sighing, you got up from the somewhat comfortable couch and knocked on the bathroom door, "Come on, Eddie, you're gonna have to talk to me sooner or later. I prefer sooner because the Life Corporation is not just after me now, they're after you now as well."

Leaning against the door, you listened to Eddie muttering to himself, knocking things over and falling onto the ground. Rolling your eyes, you formed a flat blade and slid it up the side of the door, allowing you to push it open.

"Seriously, we need to leave right-"

You stopped when you saw what condition Eddie was in. He was sitting in the bathtub, his sweatshirt nearly completely soaked in sweat. You knew those symptoms too well.

The woman, she transferred her symbiote onto him before she perished. The question is, can this Klyntar be trusted?

You didn't reply because you didn't know the answer yourself, but you knew something. Eddie is stuck here dealing with the bonding process while the Life Corporation was searching for him.

"I guess it's up to us to protect him, but only for now," you told your Other, leaving Brock alone in the bathroom. "How long do you think it'll take them to find us?"

They could knock on the door right now. We need to be prepared for anything, but you need to know that our mission is greater than his life.

"Then we'd be just as bad as the Life Corporation," you stated, glancing at the door. "They favor results over humanity, we need to hold onto our humanity for as long as we can."

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