Peter Parker/ Spider-Man X Reader- Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (Part 1)

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Scanning the battle-worn area while clutching your dislocated shoulder, you watched as the famed heroes that you looked up to fall one by one. The battle was worse than anything you had ever experienced, making you question if anyone could save the Earth from this threat. Thanos was like nothing you had ever seen, his powers seemed limitless from watching him from afar. You were just a teen with abilities that had everything to do with emotions, how in the world would you help defeat someone who could snap you in half without any effort? What could you do, make him feel all cuddly and happy? You were the one who was hiding and watching the real heroes fight for the Earth, so why did they even recruit you in the first place? They saw something in you that you couldn't... or they saw something that wasn't there.

Glancing back to the battle, your eyes widened when you saw Peter fighting Thanos himself. Ignoring the pain in your shoulder, you pushed yourself out of your hiding spot and ran, ignoring the chaos around you. Your felt heat drain from your face as you saw Peter being forced to the ground, his arms struggling to remove Thanos' hand off of his head. Your lungs screamed as you approached them, but you had no idea what you were going to do. There were no objects to be used as weapons, so you only had one option: use your useless powers. Focusing as much as you could, you tried anything you could think of. You were dumbstruck when you saw Thanos rip his hand off of Peter, a look of confusing appearing on his features. Snapping out of your daze, you flung your hand and watched him fly into a building. A groan made you remember why you were doing this in the first place. Quickly climbing over rubble, you slid down to Peter and kneeled down, gently removing his cracked mask.

"Thanks for the save," he said breathlessly, his chest heaving. "I thought I was a goner."

"You're a complete idiot," you laughed, wiping tears off your face, "and you scared the shit out of me. Come on, we gotta go before the drugged up Barney the dinosaur comes back."

Using your good shoulder, you helped Peter up from the ground, relieved that he didn't have any major injuries. Thanos was nowhere in sight, but you knew that he would be back.

"(Y/N)! Peter!"

You looked up to see Tony run up to the two of you, his armor completely gone and a few slashes were littered all over his body. He placed one of Peter's arms over his shoulders, helping you carry him somewhere safer than here.

"(Y/N), how'd you do that?" Tony asked, pressing a switch on his watch.

"No idea," you replied, flinching when you jolted your dislocated shoulder, "it just happened. You are surprised as much as I am."

"Well, I'm glad it happened," Peter said, smiling at you. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

"Don't mention it," you responded, smiling back, "that's what we do for the ones we love, right?"

"No time for mushy stuff," Tony stated, looking up. "Our ride is here."

Out of nowhere, loud thrusters appeared slowly out of the dust ahead of you. It took you a few seconds to realize that it was a flying car, a red one to be exact. You couldn't expect less from Tony Stark. You and Tony gently place Peter in the back seat, buckling him in before getting in the front seats. Maneuvering your way into the car, you carefully buckle your seatbelt without messing with your shoulder. The car gently lifted off of the ground, slowly rising from the ruined part of the city. Leaning against the side of the car, you wondered how many people were hurt in the battle and where the other heroes were. When you thought back to you using your abilities to move Thanos away from Peter, you couldn't recall any of them leaving or retreating. It wasn't normal for you to zone out when you used your abilities, they usually heighten your senses when you were around multiple people.

"How you holding up, kids?" Tony asked, glancing over at you and then Peter.

"I don't know," you answered, looking over at Tony. "This is confusing as hell. I have never been able to do this, especially throw a purple giant through a building."

"We'll figure this out, (Y/N)," Peter said, leaning forward and placing a hand on your good shoulder. "New abilities mean new advantages over Thanos."

You ignored his last sentence, looking over to Tony, "What happened to everyone else?"

Tony sighed, "They retreated immediately after you dealt with Thanos, we're regrouping somewhere that's hopefully safe."

Safe, you thought, safe was a rarity in this life. Ever since you were brought to this planet, safety was never an option, even when you weren't on many dangerous beings' hit lists. All you could remember was waking up in a crater and humans crowding around you. That was nearly a decade ago, but it felt like it was yesterday. It was overwhelming to feel everyone's emotions at once, it nearly drove you mad until you were found by S.H.I.E.L.D. and put into isolation. It was relieving to not feel others' emotions, but the absence of them was agonizing. Slowly you were reintroduced to civilization, and you adapted like any other person would when introduced to a foreign environment. At first, it was hard, but you learned how to control your abilities. Peter was the first one to speak to you when you were introduced to the Avengers or at least a part of the Avengers. You hoped that these new abilities would help you save this planet, but you had a feeling that you weren't going to see the end of this battle. 

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