Part 16: A Flash of the Past

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." 
- Martin Luther King Jr.   


Just as I wish, everything turns into the deepest shade of black, the deepest part of darkness, and the deepest part of the world, all that before I heard,

"I love you."


I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes, however the sun didn't shone as bright as it usually does. It was mixed with the hint of darkness and rage.

"You will never know how much a person means to you until you actually lose them." A voice said behind me. 

I cleared my throat then said, "Pardon me?" turning to the person behind me, it turned out to be Landon.

"I lost someone before, she was just like Natalia. She left me because I took her for granted, I didn't think much about it at first but when I realised I needed her it was too late." He paused, taking a deep sharp breath,

"She was gone, it was as if she never existed. No one remembered her, and if they do, they wouldn't tell me where she is." He said with sadness and regret on her face.

"You're not a werewolf, are you?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Well, kind of, I'm mixed. My mother was a werewolf, she was a Beta while my dad owned a company." He replied. 

Most mixed werewolves can't shift but have werewolves senses, example, he could see and hear from a great distance. 

These types of wolves don't typically have mates, but when they do, its really hard to sense it. In most stories, its too late to sense it, either their mate or themselves have married someone else or they have killed each other during a war, Werewolves call it, mate-delay.

"Can't you smell her?" I asked,

"Back then, no. I have her now, but I figured that she wasn't ready. I could wait, just for her." he added.


The dark became lighter, soon the room became white. Where am I? 

I don't exactly know the answer to that but I know that this certainly looks like I'm in a movie. The room was empty and endless, it was as if I entered another dimension. 

Remember when Harry was "killed" in The Deathly Hollows Part 2? I guess you could say that this room looked a lot like the room in Harry's head, except, the room was empty.

"Hello? anyone here?" I shouted,

"Nat?" I heard a voice reply. The voice was so familiar that it send shivers down my spine.

"Who is it, come out here, OR ELSE." I demanded, trying to play it cool.

"Silly little Nat," The girl laughed while emerging from the light.

"Natasha." I stared in shock, part of my mind wanted this to be fake, another part wanted her to come back, but my whole body was still.

"I've been waiting for you, dear sister." She smiled. 

"S-Stop it." I stuttered.

"You finally think of killing yourself?" She asked, what kind of sister asks that kind of question? Natasha, of course.

"Well, no. I was killed-"

"Yea, I know, I know." She rolled her eyes, what the heck did she meant? "I mean do you want to die or live, its your choice," she added.

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