Part 30: I love you

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It's you, it's you, it's all for you,

Everything I do,

I tell you all the time,

Heaven is a place on earth with you,

Tell me all the things you want to do,

I heard that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?  

-Lana Del Rey, Video Games


He tore my shirt open and started to leave trails of kisses down my stomach until he reached my shorts.

Damn this is going to be a long night.


Al looked up at me with his usual devious smile before slowly dragging my shorts downwards. I groaned unimpatiently while he continued smirking.

I groaned even harder when I heard his phone ring. Gosh. Leave us alone.

"Just ignore it baby." He told me before completely taking my shorts off. I was now left with only my panties and Al's smirk grew.

The phone ringed again. We both groaned.

"Alessio, maybe you should take it. Maybe it's something important." I told him.

"But Angel...." He whined like a little kid. I smiled at his childishness that was somehow cute.

The phone ringed again and Alessio looked like he was ready to kill whoever was interrupting our little session. I picked his phone from our nightstand and gave it to him. I heard him growl at the caller's ID before picking up.

"What do you want Rico?" He asked with a don't-disturb-me tone. Rico said something in returned and Alessio's face turned pale.

"What do you mean?" He questioned before getting up on his feet. I was fighting the urge to roll my eyes as his body left mine. Soon after that he put down his phone and put it in his pocket.

"Angel, I need you to stay here." He said, putting his hands firmly on my shoulders.

"Al, what happened?" I asked him curiously. 

"Talia, there is nothing to worry about." He assured before placing a quick peck on my cheek. 

"If there is nothing to worry about, why aren't you telling me?" I asked him with a glare. Why are people keeping secrets away from me?

"Talia, just rest, I'll be back here in a while." He said. Is he seriously going to leave me hanging here with a waterfall going down my legs? 

"Stop keeping secrets away from me! I want to know what happened!" I demanded now on my feet.

"Talia you need rest. I'll be here in a while." He said one more time before unlocking the door.


"For once Talia do as you're told and trust me on this!" He shouted before banging the door shut.

What the fuck has gotten into him? I felt like there was no use anymore. I felt a tear running down my cheek. This is just too much. I couldn't handle it.


"Edward is planning on an attack? This is why you asked me to come here? Everyone knows he's planning on an attack! What is so urgent that we can't wait till tomorrow to discuss?" I growled in anger. I could've been spending my night with Talia right now. That sweet little angel.

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