Part 13: Scars to your Beautiful

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Would you look at me the same if you saw all my scars, if you knew all my pain.



L: "I need to go, love you!"

N: "Love you to!"



"What do you want? I thought you were in some kind of Alpha business....." I glared while stomping my foot.

"I was, but I decided to come early for you-" He stopped realising what he just said. I raised my brow asking him to continue "for you to cook my dinner" Nicely covered, nicely covered.

"So...?" I asked,

"Show me your arms." he demanded, I was shocked with his sudden change of tone, what is wrong with him?

"I didn't steal anything," I told him truthfully.

"I don't care, just show me your arms!" He said, a little too rough, "I'm sorry, please just show me your arms before I have to do it myself." he apologised, still in a rough, cold, stern tone. Is that an apology I heard? didn't see that coming...

"I won't repeat myself young lady, show. Me. Your. Arms." he demanded, dominantly. Again, what is wrong with him?

"How about your dinner? oh my, I need to start cooking!" I excused,

"I don't care about my dinner! I don't care if I don't have to eat, for gods sake." he said frustrated. "I told you, I won't repeat myself, but you gave me no choice." He said before grabbing my arms forcefully.

He examined my arms and my skin felt naked, even though it is. I bit my lips not wanting to hear his comment, surprisingly, he didn't say anything.

"I want my dinner." 

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, I rushed into the kitchen then broke down. I look at my arms to see it clean, I was surprised, no scars, how did it heal? it wasn't suppose to heal? my scars were ugly and I despise them.

After I'm done cooking, I served The Devil his food while wishing the day would end, sadly that was never going to happen, today was endless.

I sigh in relief, but that didn't last long. I felt something on my thighs, something that awakened my heart.

"Get your hands of my thighs, this is inappropriate." I froze,

"I can't believe I never noticed." he muttered.

"what?" I asked, not knowing the right words to say.

"Your scars!" he abruptly stands.

"it's nothing..." I rushed away.

"It is something." he grabbed my hand turning me to him.

"why do you care?" I asked, "you never did anything to-"

The Devil cut me off by kissing my mouth shut. There were so many emotions poured to it, I didn't know what to say or do except to kiss him back.

"Give me your razors." he said while cupping my cheek 

"B-but-" I started,

"No buts, both won't like," he threatened, what like kissing me?

I lead him to my bathroom. Opening the last drawer, I pulled out a bloody razor. The Devil grabbed it from me while tears well up in his eyes.

"Promise me you won't do this anymore. I know I don't have the words, the arms, and am probably the reason for you to do so, but please, promise me." he sobbed.

"I promise." I said, intertwining our fingers together. He hugged me really tightly after that, it felt like ages, I could feel his tears on my hair, this is too much for one day. 

"Princess, my little princess...." he sobbed while soothing my back.

"Please keep that promise.. I told you, I can't live without you..." 

"Don't do this to me Princess, please, I'm sorry.."

"shh" I soothed his back.

After he left, breaking down into tears is the only thing I could do.

from a distance I heard his wolf say,

"If only you knew..." 


Hello guys!

I'm sorry for this extremely short chapter but you have to understand that this isn't an easy part to write. Mostly because I can relate to this and most people can too.

I wrote this chapter to let all of you know that there is at least someone who cares, even if they pretend not to, I care. 

I just want you to know that you're beautiful just the way you are, your scars are what makes you strong, don't try to hide them, you are a survivor, not a victim.

I think this is a very important part of the book and I want all of you to learn something from this. I wrote this book in Natalia's POV but I bet 99% of you didn't know this was coming, Natalia is always the kind of girl who would smile, what you do not know is that she hides her pain.

What I'm trying to say is, be careful to whom you judge, never underestimate someones pain. We never know what is happening in other peoples life, she may look like a person who's cheerful but that doesn't mean she's always like this.

This chapter was super emotional, and if you need help, feel free to DM me, like literally, I didn't know that this would be that emotional..... this is hard. If you feel like your friend needs help, help them before its too late.

Be careful for what you say, it might hurt others more than you think, I am also guilty of this...

Thank you for reading this very emotional part, I feel like crying but my sister is in my room with me so.... basically the explanation is longer than the chapter itself, lol.



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