Part 22: The Beast Within.

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"The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution." ―J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.


Finally reaching the basement door I smirked, eager for blood in my hands.

"Alpha! Are you sure?" Gamma Rico asked behind me.

"I'm sure Rico. No one is going to stop me." I finalised my decision. With a devious grin, I stormed inside the basement I called, torture cells.


"Have you seen a guy? Blonde hair, cocky-"

"You mean Alpha Nathaniel?" She ask, cutting me mid-sentence.

My eyes grew brighter as I smile in satisfaction, "yes. Him. He's my brother."

Mara's mouth formed a little 'o', "He was taken away when you came, he's a nice guy."

She paused before continuing, "they said that you and him can't be in one room together... twins?"

I thought for the perfect reply for a few minutes: "yea... basically we could combine our power to form great evil. Also, I'm a Raven Angel, don't question."

She just nodded slowly in response,
"Yea... I think this cell is specially made to prevent shifting in any form."

I sighed before saying, "I guess they've planned this since forever, it cost a lot of money you know."

There was silent between us for a couple of minutes, until Mara widened her eyes, "they're coming!"

"Who?" I asked.

Before she could reply the door burst open. Three men walked in. One I did not recognise, the second guy.... isn't he from the picture?, the third guy-

I gasped and pretended to be shock, "Christiantio."

"Christian." He corrected, still I mutter,"Christianot."

"Hey little Mara, you still remember our deal? Take her away," the guy in the picture demanded a guard.

Mara's screams filled the air, "What are you doing to her?"

They didn't respond, anger taking over me, I shouted: "STOP." I stand up only to get slap by Christian...tio.

He spit at me before saying, "you are in no position to give demands." He stepped my foot before continuing, "you are lower than an Omega here."

The guy in the picture moved closer to me, I jerked back before realising it's no use, I'm trapped.

"If it isn't the little black Angel or should I say, Akara?" He chuckled.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I don't like questions but if you must know, my name is Edward, the true Alpha of Fangs Pack." He explained. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He didn't sound like an Alpha but the confidence in his voice made me re-think.

"What is your point? Alessio is going to come for you." I responded.

"Is he? Or he's gonna be dead before?" He asked with a grin.



I look at the two prisoners sleeping.. peacefully!

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