The Rise of Chapter Twenty One

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The Rise of Chapter Twenty One

J A C K     F R O S T

Jack took a deep breath and started talking. He knew Elsa would listen to his every word so whether he liked it or not, he had no choice.

"Eliora and I," Jack started. "Met when she moved to our village. My sister was big fan of her so...well, wherever my sister went, I followed. You could say that I got to know her whenever my sister hung out at their house along with the other children. Over the time we spent together, Eliora and I grew close. Well, close enough to meet up without the children."

Jack felt Elsa wince faintly. When he glanced at her direction, he knew she was being hurt in hearing this things.

"Do you want me to- to continue?" Jack asked her. She nodded.

"We- Well, we met up and got the status of what you would say 'in a relationship' nowadays. Of course I knew her as a fragile lady who adores winter and children. She had a very impressive facade. We never guessed her true colors, even after her episodes."

"Episodes?" Elsa perked up, hearing something not about Jack and Eliora's relationship.

"Uh, yeah." Jack replied, scratching the back of his head. He laid down on his back and closed his eyes, concentrating. "She had winter whenever there was a full moon and she would...throw tantrums in her house. Now that I look back on it, she would always go on top of the hill at midnight whenever there was a full moon. And when the moonlight was clear, she would just stand there nothing."

"I don't want to be rude," Elsa whispered. "But I think that the idea of Eliora standing under moonlight seems so gentle that I believe you only made that up to throw me off."

Jack hadn't meant crack up but he did. "But I didn't!" Jack protested, smiling. "It's the truth!"

Elsa pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. Jack thought that she looked so...tranquil. How could Jack tell her that her sister's in Eliroa's hands?

"So that's all you have to say?" Elsa asked, tilting her head to Jack's side. "I thought it would be long since you said so."

"Well, in my head it sounded long."

"Not much of a defense, Jack," Elsa smirked and poked him playfully.

"Well, sue me." Jack sat upand rested his arm on his folded knee. His gaze unvoluntarily fell on Elsa. "Elsa..."


"Tell me more about yourself." Jack said without warning.

Elsa felt herself blush for no reason. It it the face Jack made? Or the realization that they're all alone on this roof?

"What's tell?" She managed to whisper.

Jack smiled and whispered, "Everything."

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Elsa sighed. A moment of silence passed and Elsa said nothing.

"Well?" Jack sprawled on his stomach and stretched. "Elsaaaa...."

"Don't judge me," Elsa muttered. "I'm not good in telling stories. So...." Elsa faced Jack and smiled widely. "You ask me."

Jack glanced at Elsa and sighed. "You're hopeless."

"I know that already," Elsa looked at the other way. "So don't remind me."

Jack gave Elsa a sloppy grin and sat up. "Okay, First things old are you?"

"I'm twenty-one."

Frozen Love {Jack Frost x Elsa}Where stories live. Discover now