The Rise of Chapter Twenty Four

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The Rise of Chapter Twenty Four

J A C K   F R O S T

Jack watched as Elsa was captured inside Tooth's arms. Her fairies started flocking around him, scolding him in a way Jack didn't understand.

"Okay, okay," He said, trying to get a view of Elsa and Tooth. "I'll be carefeul next time."

By hearing 'next time' the fairies got more heated up that it made Jack laugh. He even saw baby tooth throwing a mini- fit.

"I'm kidding guys," He said, smiling. "Promise I won't do it again." The fairies blinked in unison and scowled. Then, they all returned to Tooth's side. When they did, they turned sullen and stiff.

Jack was puzzled and moved closer to see what was the matter. Squeezing through the forming packs of yeti's and elves, Jack reached Tooth and the other guardians, surrounding Elsa who was collapsed on the floor.

"Elsa!" Jack cried. Jack moved closer and they all gave way. He cradled Elsa's head on his lap. "Elsa!" When she didn't respond, he looked at the guardians. "What happened to her?"

"She- She said she was feeling faint when I hugged her. I told her to lie down for a while and she agreed." Tooth started to say. "But then she said she felt a sharp pain in her heart then she collapsed. I- I didn't know what to do. I turned to look for you but I didn't see you over the yeti's.....I'm scared for her, Jack."

Jack sighed, worried. "Yeah, I am too." Jack already had his suspicions. There is no way that Elsa had a heart attack. He's sure that this had something to do with Eliora. After all....Eliora was after the orb inside Elsa's heart.

Then Jack saw what was actually happening. He mentally scolded himself. How stupid can he be?

He hoped that with this she could revive her strength somehow. He could only think for the best. He asked the others to stand back from Elsa. They all agreed.

With space, Jack made an ice sculptured Toothiana, with detailed hands that carried Elsa. He placed Elsa's hands carefully on the ice and as soon as he did, the ice started disappearing. Jack smiled, can't believe that what he did worked!

He was right! Elsa needed his ice like how he needed hers back in Arendelle. You could say that their roles were reversed now.

"Jack?" Elsa started squirming and Tooth and Jack rushed to her side. Jack made icicles for Elsa to hold. As soon as she started to touch the icicles, it started disappearing. Jack reloaded her hand as soon as it did disappear.

"Are you alright, Elsa?" Tooth asked, worried.

Elsa sat up, still holding Jack's ice. "I think I am. I feel....alright. I feel better than how I arrived here." Elsa stood up and made a snowball. But then, she staggered that made Tooth even more worried.

"I'm thinking," Jack gave another icicle to Elsa. "That now you need my ice. Unlike in Arendelle when I needed yours."

Elsa stared at the icicle Jack handed to her. She watch as it started to disappear as soon as it made contact with her. "Woah," She mumbled. "Cool."

Jack managed a small smile but then it quickly disappeared. They needed to get back to Arendelle fast. Who knows what Eliora had done to the kingdom and worse Anna.

Besides, Jack would rather have himself suffering in Arendelle with only Elsa than having Elsa suffer here in Earth with the gnawing regret of leaving Anna in Arendelle with the villainous Eliora.

Yes, Arendelle would be much better.

"North," Jack spoke up. He left Elsa to Tooth's aid and rushed to North. "North, I think that....Elsa and I need to get back to Arendelle as soon as we can."

North didn't speak. He only studied Jack's face and waited for him to continue. "And?"

Jack took a deep breath and whispered."And I also think that Elsa and I should go alone." Jack braced himself for a sermon. Instead, none came. When he opened his eyes, North was looking at him with understanding.

"I understand, Jack." North said, steering Jack further away. "We won't insist you to bring us. And besides, we know that this is your-"

"-Fight." Jack finished. "I'm- I'm glad you understand North. I guess I'll tell Elsa."

"When will you leave?"

Before Jack rushed away, he pondered about the answer a bit. Then he answered, "As soon as possible."

Before Jack could leave, he heard North say that he will explain everything to Tooth and Bunny. So now he only need to focus on Elsa.

Elsa wasn't hard to find. Her room was flocking with elves, yeti's and fairies. But it was hard to get to her. When he reached her, she was just getting ready for bed.

"Elsa?" He asked her. Elsa opened an eye and waited. "I need to talk to you." Then, all eyes were on Jack and he squirmed under the attention. "Alone."

One by one, all the bystanders started dispersing. In the end, only Elsa and Jack were left. Jack opened her window and proceeded to carrying her.

"Jack!" He heard Elsa say. "Where are we going? Tooth doesn't know that we're leaving."

Jack didn't listen. "She doesn't need to know Elsa. Now," He got ready to jump. "Hold tight!"

In a panicked jump, Elsa grabbed Jack rather harshly by the hood. Jack was strangled at first then Elsa fixed her holding.

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!!" Elsa yelled over the harsh air. Jack flashed his smirk and answered.


Jack didn't look at his Elsa. Even when he felt her tearing up or when she tightened her grip. The only thing he did was hold her tightly and go faster to the mountain with the portal to Elsa's home.

Don't worry, Elsa. We'll get your family and kingdom back.

So Hai!

How are you people?

Sprry for the long update. I guess I realized that you were suffering so much so I updated. (Well, mostly cause my classmate's sister asked if I was still continuing this. It's all thanks to you, Abegail's sister!





Thanks Peeps!

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