Chapter 23

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"So the rumors are true," one of them said.

"She's a girl," someone else whispered as if it wasn't obvious.

"She's King's girlfriend," another said.

My head snapped in the direction of his voice, it was embarrassing to know that was what the school now knew me for, even if it wasn't quite true.

"She may be a girl, but she's joining our team," Coach Brunswick said calmly.

He then passed me a ball and had all his boys take position. I looked over at the goalie who already got in his spot and then at all the defense already lining up. I dribbled the ball with me and passed the first guy with ease. I went around another and quickly scored a goal.

"That's why she's joining our team," Coach Brunswick said proudly.

The guys all stared at me. I wasn't sure if I had earned their respect yet but they stopped grumbling about it.

We started drills and I knew that I had to prove to these guys that I could keep up and be an asses. So, even though I was tired and drained, I kept pushing through. I was not showing a bunch of egotistical males that I was weak. I had to work out more though these basic drills were kicking my butt.

We started a run around the school and one of the guys came up to me.

"You know if you're slow it's okay, no one expects you to be faster than us," he said.

I glared at him. I didn't respond and instead took off, immediately all the boys tried catching up but I continued on and when we had finished I was a good thirty seconds ahead of all of them.

"You know, I think I'm good," I said to that same boy, who rolled his eyes at me.

After practice, I was grabbing my things when I saw two familiar looking guys coming over to me.

"Hey Leah, I don't know if you remember us but I'm Colton and this is Charlie," Colton said introducing himself and his brother. "We're friends with James."

You're tough, welcome to the team," Charlie said with a friendly smile.

I nodded. "I'm glad to know there's nice people on the team."

They both smiled. "The guys are not that bad. The seniors can be a little rude to juniors like us, but they'll warm up eventually."

I smiled and waved goodbye. I met everyone in the car and when we got home, I went into the kitchen where Monica was getting dinner ready.

"How was soccer?" Monica asked as soon as she saw me

"Actually tolerable, I mean I'll be sore as hell tomorrow but it was good," I said shrugging.

"How'd you get that bruise?" she asked as she looked at my knee.

I looked down and there was in face a bruise forming. I frowned. "I guess I fell, but other than that it was good."

She studied my expression to see if I was being serious and then smiled.

"Good, I'm glad you have a passion for something again," she said. "How's your new schedule? Jess told me you're taking some harder classes."

"Yeah they're tough, but other than the looks I'm getting, I like being busy it keeps my mind off of other things," I said.

Monica and I glanced at each other. Perhaps she knew what I was talking about.

"I"ll get the salad started," I offered, changing the subject.

She nodded and after dinner, I went upstairs and found Liam and Nina upstairs heads together talking in whispers on the couch. I quickly went back down the stairs and into my room. Casey and Molly walked in with smirks on their faces and sat on my bed.

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