Chapter 5

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I was currently leaning against my car waiting for everyone to come out from sports practice. Jess was not back yet and I had to take all of us home somehow. I figured I could grab the first four kids I found and then come back for the rest. It was annoying that Jess wouldn't answer her phone. I would have appreciated an update on Carter.

Jack, Matt, and Anna were the first to come out.

"Hey guys lets go, I have to come back for everyone else, so let's hurry it up" I said.

"Where's Jess?" Jack asked.

"With Carter," I answered. "No one is answering so I guess it's on me to get everyone home."

"Okay, James said he was going to check on something in the office, should I go get him?" Matt asked.

"I got it," I said, already knowing what he was checking on.

I unlocked the car for them and then made my way to the office where I found James.

"Hey," I said quietly. "What are you doing?"

"She won't tell me anything," he said bitterly. "Why won't she text me back?" James asked angrily.

"I don't know, Jess won't respond to me either," I said back.

"Will he be okay?"

"I hope so, James," I said quietly. "For now, let's go home, maybe they're waiting for us."

I wasn't so sure that it was true but it got him to follow me out. I texted Molly to tell her the plan and then got in the car with everyone else. The car ride was silent, but I couldn't tell if it was because of Carter, or because of James' angry expression. When we arrived, everyone got out and I went back to school for Nina, Molly, and Casey. The girls were waiting for me at the front of the school and got in my car as soon as they saw me.

"Finally," Molly said as she got in the front seat.

"Where's Jess?" Casey asked.

"She's dealing with something," I answered, trying my best to keep my tone even.

I was about to drive off when I saw Ethan approaching me with that charming smile on his face.

"Did you come back to see me?" he asked, feigning excitement. "I'm touched."

"No I'm picking up my foster sisters," I said.

Molly waved at him, Nina had a book in front of her face but offered a small tilt of her chin, and Casey was cleaning her mitt so she didn't give him the time of day. Ethan still waved back at them.

"So, I'm thinking we need to hang out more," he said turning back to look at me. "I mean we haven't even finished going through some of my favorites hits together."

I rolled my eyes. Ethan best music consisted of some major hip-hop and rap.

"Hmm, as fun as that sounds, I do have somewhere to be," I replied.

"Another time then," he said with a smile.

"We'll see," I said trying to hide my smile.

I watched him leave and the smile on my face had yet to go away.

"Did you just flirt with Ethan King?" Molly asked shocked.

"Did I?" I said, still smiling slightly.

"Yes," she said in awe. "You just flirted with the cutest boy in school."

I scoffed.

"I thought you hated guys or something," she said in disbelief.

"No I don't hate them, I just think they all do dumb things," I explained.

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