Chapter 39

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Lucy looked horrified. "What happened?"

"I don't know," I said trying to look into the event.

I watched as Kyle and Claire rushed over. Kyle pulled them apart and got in between Peter and Ethan. I saw Kevin out of the corner of my eye smirk as someone other than him got beat up by Ethan. Was everyone from school at this party? Guests were watching as Ethan and Patrick were glaring at each other. Dr. Martin made his way through and I saw him pull Peter back and Kyle grabbed Ethan. Both boys calmed down but Peter shoved Dr. Martin off him.

The crowd's attention then shifted toward their dad who looked like he was trying to take the attention off of his sons' brawl. Kyle and Dr. Martin basically shoved both boys outside while their dad brought everything back to normal. Ethan was fuming, once they were out of sight of the guests and conveniently in our view, he started yelling at Peter.

"You're such a jerk!" Ethan yelled.

I watched him fight the grip Kyle had on him. Peter on the other hand looked calm, almost as if Ethan's rage was no match for him.

"Dr. Martin, Kyle, this is no more than a little sibling squabble, why don't you go join the guests inside?" Patrick said to them.

He sounded so genuine, anyone who didn't really know him would have believed him, thankfully they weren't buying it.

"I think we'll stay here," Dr. Martin said boldly.

Peter's mood changed. "I wasn't asking," he said through clenched teeth.

"I can handle it," Ethan said to them.

Both Martin's look at Ethan and then at each other, they nodded and Kyle patted Ethan's arm and both went inside. Peter inspected his own arm and saw a cut on his forearm.

"That was my throwing arm!" he said angrily.

"I'll do a lot worse than shove you into a table if you keep it up," Ethan threatened.

"Yeah right, you're such a wuss, you wouldn't dare," he said daringly.

Ethan's hands were curled into fists, but this time he noticed and uncurled them.

"You know what you are right," Ethan said, starting to calm down.

Peter looked shocked that Ethan would give up that fast.

"I refuse to stoop to your level, I am Ethan King and you are worthless, wanted by no college, no girls, and no friends."

Peter practically growled. "Don't go there," he said pushing Ethan. "You got suspended from football, you won't make it anywhere."

Ethan took a step back but regained his composure. "I got into Brown, not for football but for who I am."

Peter looked stunned. At a loss for words he just scoffed. "Yeah right," he said crossing his arms.

Ethan pulled out a stack of papers from his jacket pocket. "I printed these before the event started," Ethan said handing the top one to his brother.

Peter stared at the paper in shock.

"Full ride too," he mumbled.

"Look I just want to get out of here, and this is my chance, nothing holding me back."

Peter looked back at Ethan and handed the paper to him.

"And what? Your family doesn't matter?"

Ethan looked up at his older brother.

"Were we ever a family?" Ethan asked. "Our parents worry more about their appearances than their own kids. I mean have Mom and Dad ever cared about what you did? Have they even shown an interest in the parts of your life they can't brag about? Has Dad done anything to help you after you got kicked out of college other than cover it up? You and Dad beat me up and poor Lucy is raising herself, the list goes on and on."

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