Chapter 40

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Not wanting to be late for school again, I made sure both of us would be up early this time. Ethan grudgingly got up after a lot of coaxing. Both of us were dressed with enough time for breakfast. I was pulling out the cereal when Ethan came over.

"Are you doing anything after school?" he asked as he grabbed bowls and spoons.

"Soccer and then work," I said, pouring the cereal and then putting it away.

"I've got detention."

He looked glum. I felt bad he may have hated football but not seeing Kyle after school was going to kill him. I squeezed his hand.

"Any chance you'll get detention too?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on Ethan, you really want me to get in trouble again?" I asked, smiling.

"No, but it would be fun," he admitted finishing his cereal in record time.

"As much as it would be," I said grabbing our bowls and putting them in the sink. "I think I need to behave at least for a little longer. I just got Jess to ease up."

Ethan gave me what was starting to become his signature pout and crossed his arms.

"Where did my fun rule-breaking Leah Parker go?" he asked as he grabbed our bags and handed me mine.

"She has to remain dormant during school hours," I said pouting right back at him.

"What about after school?" he asked, locking the door behind us.

"I have work, remember?"

He pouted once again as we walked to his car. "Ugh to be young and free again, if only we could be kids."

I smiled up at him and he kissed me.

"I didn't know you when I was kid," I pointed out.

"But I knew you," he said, starting the car.

"Ah yes, the infamous glue dumping experience that everyone seems to know about."

"Come on, it was a cute story," he said smiling.

"Maybe so but it is not the most flattering story," I said looking over at him.

He squeezed my hand. "Fine I'll start telling the story about the time you kicked a soccer ball at my head when I was eleven," he said laughing.

My jaw dropped. "I did not," I said in shock.

"You did too," he said smirking.

We parked and it was my turn to pout as we walked into the school.

"What about all the good things?" I asked.

"How could I forget?" he said pretending to be shocked. "The time you picked me up when I was wasted? The time you consoled me after my dad pissed me off? The time you helped my sister? The time you helped me with my issues? And then again. And again."

And?" I said cutting him off while smiling.

"And," he said pausing in front of my locker as my back went up against it. "You quite literally changed my life and I love you."

He kissed me and my heart fluttered. We broke apart and I smiled.

"I love you too."

The rest of the day felt like a blur with Ethan and I passing smiles and kisses between classes. I finally felt like a normal kid for the first time in a while. When school was over, I walked with Ethan to detention and kissed him goodbye.

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