Chapter 22

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Today was Halloween. I didn't like it or hate it, for me it was just another day. I didn't dress up, I didn't try to scare people, I didn't even eat candy. The rest of the house however was going all out. Everyone was in costumes, and everyone was on a sugar rush and it was barely past seven.

I wasn't sure why I didn't enjoy Halloween. I just couldn't take candy from people. I felt bad, maybe it was because I could never afford much myself, but the idea of taking candy from people bothered me. I couldn't explain it, maybe it was because I had long term trust issues. One thing was for sure, I couldn't change my haunting blue eyes, and if I couldn't disguise those, then why change my appearance at all? Besides, according to Ethan, I was scary enough.

When we arrived at school we all went inside. Not wanting to spend the study hall in the library, I went to Jess's office instead. I had something to ask her.

"Is there still time to change my schedule?" I asked nervously.

Jess looked up at me. "Are you serious? You're adding more classes?"

I nodded. Jess perked up at once.

"Of course you can," she said excitedly. "Go up and talk to the counselor."

"Don't get mad," I prefaced. "But where's the counselor's office?"

Jess stared at me for a moment before sighing. "Upstairs, first door on the left."


I left her office and headed upstairs. I was just about to knock when the door swung open and a cheerful lady came and greeted me. She ushered me in and waved to the seat across her desk.

"Hi my name is Mrs. Holt. I'm the college counselor and I am absolutely thrilled to meet you!"

I was taken back a little bit. Most adults at the school hated me.

"Did you know you're the only student in the senior class that has yet to see me?" she said as she looked at some papers.

Ah, now it made sense. That was why she was so excited, she had not met me yet.

"I was pretty surprised," she continued. "Do you want to go to college?" Mrs. Holt asked.

"Maybe," I muttered. "I doubt I'll get in though."

"Why?" she asked, puzzled.

"I just don't think I'm good enough," I answered half-heartedly.

"Well may I ask why you're only taking two classes?"

"I took the standard credit classes over the summer," I explained. "These were all I had left to take."

"But you could take more and improve your chances," she suggested.

"Do you see all those detentions in my file?" I asked, pointing to my record. "That's why a college won't accept me, regardless."

"They would when you consider that you took six Advanced Placement courses and six Honors classes combined over your sophomore, and junior year," she argued. "Plus you took three honors classes in freshman year," she said.

I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms.

"Why didn't you take hard classes this year?" she asked.

"They were too hard," I mumbled, thinking of what had happened last year when I broke down.

"Well," she said, closing my file. "It's pretty impressive to me that you took all of those classes and five classes over the summer, at college level might I add."

"Your point?" I asked.

"You have options," she said seriously.

"What would they be?" I asked.

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