chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to Liliana Northcutt

Ravens p.o.v.

Nicole dismissed everyone except the girls. We'd figure all this out tomorrow. Nicole held me in her arms till the bell for second period rang. We cried for hours. Jordanna then finally got up, wiped her eyes, and said "This is absolutely horrible. I know but we have to push through it. We can't back down now, they're gonna pay. Jake may have done thus but we'll get him too. But the fact that these boys even considers this, sickens me. We have to beat them at there own game. Get up, were going home."

It took me awhile to get up. I was sore. So Nicole and Abigail led me through the doors Jake also went through, and we headed towards the cars.




When we got to my house my door was unlocked. We didn't go in right away. We went to grab branches just in case.

But Jordanna was the one with the real weapon. The pistol her dad gave her, her 16th birthday. I stepped in slowly and clung my stick to my body. My dog was safely in her room. But fear still rushed through me. I didn't need this today. When all the girls came in we checked the whole house together. We walked to my room. Jordanna led the way. She yelled out 'Clear' and we all piled in. There was another present. 'Oh God please don't be another necklace.' I silently prayed.

I went for it but then cold air hit my skin and my attention went to the open window. There was a yellow sticky-note attached to the window pane. It read;

Sorry not sorry.

You deserve everything

Coming for you.

Have fun ..


The girls all read it, and something made me rip it up. I could hear Nicole screaming ' no' but my silent cries blocked it out. I sat down on my best and grabbed the red box. Once I opened it I stopped crying and sat in shock. It was a pregnancy test. And another sticky note attached saying; You should get tested for HIV's too. ~Jake

I hysterically cried. Nicole came rushing to me as I ripped the note up as well.

My life is ruined completely ruined.

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