Chapter 20:Tell

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I'm on my knees reasoning with God, when a preacher comes in stands in front of me

I look up after I say my last thoughts and smile at him . He smiles back at me and gestures me to sit up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, well I was and am curious. What is a young lady like you doing here? Yes this is the house of the Lord but, we don't normally get  teens here unless its under several occasions.

1. There dragged here by their parents

2. It's an unfortunate funeral

3. Its a blessing.

Its been so long since its been volunteer work / act. I'm proud to see you here..." Hes with a smile. Its aa shame he is so suprised to see me. or someone my age.

I don't know how to answer that. I don't know if I can answer that so I nod and give a sly smile. I grab the money he leads me to a seat on the pews of the church and we sit.

" how can I help you dear, I know you didn't ask for any help but I know that everyone has their problems. And of course I'm not God but if you don't mind, I'd like to hear."

I smile clearly not caring about his recommendation. I tell him the story, everything.

I walked out of the church and get into my car.

What to do? I know I don't want to go home the girls are too much,  so best not. I Drive to the maternity store go to the 5 month section. I know, I'm 3 weeks but I have to be prepared. I find a cute white stretched tee, that has a 50% loading sign on it. I smile, and check the price. clearance, jack pot. I buy the shirt and walk out, the store was in the mall so when I walk out of the maternity store and find a group of younger teens that i have never seen before staring and snickering at me. How petty? They have no idea what I have been through. So i walk quickly and head to a build a bear workshop. I have two stacks of what Jake gave me, which is about 2,000 dollar's itself. I walk and find a white and brown fluffy bear, and knew it was the one.

I grabbed it and brought it to be stuffed. The lady asked if I wanted to put a beating heart and audio in it and I nodded vigorously since I had forgotten to look. When she suggested personalizing the audio box I say yes. She put me in a small room and told me I had 20 seconds or less.

"Mommy loves you darling. From the moon and back. No matter what and don't you ever forget that. " I pressed the button to stop recording, smiled and walked out of the booth. I swiftly gave her the box. And then she said, "your expecting? " I nod nervously. she smiles, she looks younger but only because she is shorter. She then says, "Me too, I'm Zabrina. I go to Julian high, 16, you?" I smile and say, " Hey! Im raven. I go to metra all boy school, long story short, I'm not a man! Hah, but I'm 17. " I say smiling.

"You know what? I get off work in five,  if you wait maybe we can hang." She says.

In all suprise I realize that I just made a new friend.  One who is most likely to be there throughout my mood swings and everything else cause she'll be doing the same. I nod and we talk a little as she continues to stuff my sons or daughters bear. I learn she lives with her alcoholic dad, and spends most her time working so she doesnt have to come home. That her ex boyfriend died in an  car accident 4 weeks ago and that they had split two days before the wreck and the night she conceived her baby was just supposed to be make up sex.

That he was so happy to be having a little baby and one night he got drunk  said some things that he regretted and got into his car to Zabrinas house but decided to send Zabrina an apology over text too. His attention was on his phone when he slid into a truck. Died on impact and his parents blame zabrina for all of it. Gave Zabrina 3,000 dollars and told her to get the hell out of  there lives. Eventually they will pay her again because of the contract they signed.

When she got  off of work she told me more. How shes working ten jobs currently. making 750 a day. And is going through some rough paths ay school,  Her grades are up but the people there bring her down.. she tells me how shes two and a half months pregnant.

then I told her my story.

She understood because at her school; Julian. She was entered in the games herself her sophomore year.

She unfortunately lost and had a pregnancy scare. We go to the food court and sit until she has to leave to go get in uniform for her job at best buy.


Chapter dedicated to Zabrina, a true fan. Congratulations on being a permanent character.

Comment your name and who you wanna be to guest star in the book or be a temp or permanent character.  Picking a few.

Name: (Ex: Ashley)

Occupation: (Ex: Pregnant friend)

Temp or perm: (ex: Temp)

Yea its been forever

Stay strong


not edited

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