Chapter 19: Break it down

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I stare at the results in disbelief. I knew this was coming. I should've been prepared, but I wasn't.

i walk out of my bathroom with the pregnancy test and sit. Wow, this is for real. I look at the clock. 2:00. The girls should be out of school but they normally go to starbucks, before coming here.  It'll take therm an estimate of 30 minutes before they get here. It's clock work. I get up and put on a hoodie over my pink tank and grey sweats. Throw my hair into a bun, grab my keys and walk to my mistibushi lancer 2008 and start it up.

Jake should be home.




    When I pull up on his drive way I see that his parents car is gone. His brothers too, but his mustang is in plain sight. I get out and go to the door and knock. Over and over. I look in. He definitley there. You could smell the liquor from outside. I shake my head and pull an extra bobby pin from my hair that was holding strays back.

I crotch down and put the test, my keys, and phone in my pockets. My attention on trying to open this lock.


After three minutes of trying, the door finally opened. I put the bobby back in my hair and smiled. I open the door and close it when i step in. I knock and fumes pour out of the door as Jake walks out with the stinch.

"What do you want?" He says. I shake my head and I show him the tests. He stares at it, not taken aback at all. He turns and goes for a drawer beside his bed. Rolls of money is stuffed in it. I open my mouth to ask where he had gotten it, but decided not to. He took out more then 5 hand fulls, and it still wasn't close to being empty. He lied it all on his bed and grabbed a bag and swiftly stuffed the money into it.

He threw the bag at me and I caught it like it was nothing.

"Keep that fucker away from me, bitch. And how the hell did you get in here. I could've sworn I locked and put bitch repelent around the front door. " He slurs.

"I don't want your fucking money.." I say ignoring his stupid comments. They didn't mean shit.

He walks toward meand reaches out his hand. "Oh, you don't? You'll be asking for it once the bitch is here. So I don't know why you won't take it now. Oh yeah, thats right, you're an ungrateful little whore. Just like the moster inside of you wiill soon be. But whatever if you don't want to take it, I won't beg you. In fact, instead of giving you thousands I'll just give you 200. That'll pay for an abortion won't it?" I can feel the tears build up. They're threatening to get out. I turn quickly with the bag and walk out making sure to slam the door behind me. I'd stay for a debate but i'm to tired to.

I know i should fight for my baby, but.. I'm new to this?

I start the engine, and drive to the nearest church Of God And Christ. Before I enter i send a text to the girls, and tell them that I am not home. And that I'm safe, and happy. Only ones a lie. I walk into the church with a bag of money trying not to disturb the few people praying. My family has never been religious. But nopw that I'm starting my own, I guess it's time to be. My grandma always told me to believe there was a heaven and a hell. A God and a devil. And Jesus that saved us, died for us, and more. I can remeber the story like yesterday but I didn't realize how precious it was till today.

My mom put her [Grandma] in a nursing home, once she got sick. Her last words to me told me to start believing. And I believe she meant for me to believe in Him. Today I want to turn a new leaf. Start a new life. Give me and my baby to God. Cause the bible told me so.

And somehow i know it's the right thing to do.

I sit at the altar and ly sown the bag. My grandparents showed/told me how to pray, and I haveit in a while. But It's time to start, my first prayer is that someone doesn't take the money from me cause God knows how much I need it.


Hey guys. Been awhile. Here you go. Miss you all. Next is coming soonnnnn!

Stay strong

Love you


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