Chapter 4: it happens

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                  NICOLES P.O.V.

(Start Music Now)

When I got home it was the usual, except this time I cried. I went upstairs after saying hello to my family, then jumped on my bed and just cried. I'm not much of a crier,  I hate it actually. My brother told me it showed how weak I was, and to never do it. So I didn't and it's been three years since the last tear. I didn't cry when I moved schools, I didn't cry when I got shots, didn't cry when my little brother was shot in his leg and almost died. Which come to think of that, that was heartless. But when I'm about to lose my virginity, I'm bawling. I was reaching for a tissue when I hear rustling from the trees outside my window. I ignore it and proceed, I wipe my face, and dry up my tears after I realized how pathetic I was acting. I sighed.  Then a rock flew through my window and hit my guitar.  I have this annoyed look on my face where it looks as if I'm about to murder. I run over to my precious acoustic guitar and grab the rock, I slowly turn around to see Jake sitting on a tree branch. I throw the rock at him, full force making him plummet to the ground  when he flinches.

    I run to the window and yell " You bastard, you put a dent in the wood of my guitar!  You jerk!" I storm out my door, down the hall, and down the steps making my way to the front door. I walk out and go to the side of my house and find Jake lying there groaning.  I got on top of him and started throwing punches at his face.

    He blocked most of them, but I got some in. Then when he finally had enough he grabbed my wrist and turned me over, so he was on top. "I like it better this way babe." He said, all cocky like. My eyes widened and I twisted my arm halfway grabbing on to his making him lose his grip. I did the same for the other arm and was able to turn him over again. I was now on  top. I go up quickly and kicked him in his family jewels. "That's for almost breaking my guitar and calling me babe when you know you're in a relationship-" He cut me off by a " I'm- " I finished my sentence not caring what he had to say. "-With my best friend or not. I'm not your babe and never will be."

     I smiled at him, bent down, grabbed a rock and threw it at his face. Successfully making it.

    When I got back in the house, I went upstairs to my room and walked the window, he was gone. I didn't know where he went that fast, but it didn't matter. He was away from me.

     I sat on my bed looking at my guitar and facing the window. A gust of wind came in and made my hair flip to the other side, that's when I felt metal on my neck and I heard a click. I looked up from my guitar and straight out the window. I look down and wonder 'What the hell?'


Merry Christmas guys! I hope you have a merry one with your family! So this your present from me I hope you enjoyed it. it doesn't have a lot of things going on. its pretty boring but the fifth chapter... Haha .

it's been some time.

So I got up and for Christmas I got Midnight memories (1D cd) and a camera that doesn't work so I'm pretty bummed about that, but hey! I wanna know what you got so comment or inbox. I stayed up till 2 this morning working on this and it's not even THAT good. But thank you all for the reads and votes. I need some new followers so follow. Merry Christmas again!

~ Ashxx Stay Strong!

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Edited -July 2nd 15

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